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They propose not to retain the title of doctors from Río Negro hospitals so that they can work in the private sector

Low salaries in Public Health? The proposal of the legislator of La Libertad Avanza (not yet recognized as a bloc) Cesar Dominguez is that the province of Río Negro does not retain the titles of professionals so that they can work in the private sector once their work days in hospitals conclude.

Currently the Professionals who work in hospitals with “full time” dedication have title retention, with the impossibility of being able to work in the private sphere. For this reason, one of the recurrent measures in recent months, with the worsening of the hospital crisis due to salary demands, was that many doctors and professionals reduced their working hours in the public sector, going “part time”, to recover their title. and with it the possibility of having other jobs in private offices or institutions.

Domínguez’s project entered the Legislature last week and establishes in its article 1 the elimination of title retention for health personnel who provide services in public hospitals in the province, “allowing them to practice their profession in private activity once their working hours in the public hospital have been completed correspondent”.

The initiative also establishes a maximum working day 8 hours a day for health personnel, that is, it is not necessary to change to “part time” to be able to work in the private sector.

The initial July salary of non-medical personnel included in the health regime of Law 1904.

“By allowing health personnel to practice private activity, greater competition, quality and availability of schedules in medical care in the Province is expected,” reads article 4 of the libertarian legislator’s bill.

In the foundations, Domínguez stressed that title retention is one of the “difficulties” of health personnel because “limits the possibility of professionals to practice their profession in private activity and seek better working and salary conditions”.

“The salaries of health personnel in public hospitals in the province of Rio Negro are low and do not adequately reflect the importance and responsibility of their work. This situation makes the lives of professionals difficult and limits their opportunities for training and professional development,” considered the legislator, adding that The elimination of title retention will bring “benefits” to the system.

Among those “benefits,” Domínguez listed “greater competition”; “quality”; “greater availability of schedules” in the private sphere; “economic development” due to the eventual “creation of jobs” in the private sector; “reduction of job insecurity” because professionals will be able to have more income with extra work outside of hospitals; “promotion and innovation and entrepreneurship” referring to the “creation of new initiatives and services that benefit the community.”

The last point of the “benefits” that the libertarian legislator promotes is the “right to equal opportunities.” In this sense, he explained that “Ensure that healthcare professionals have the ability to access additional employment opportunities Without unfair restrictions such as title retention, which police personnel and teachers do not suffer, it is essential to promote equal opportunities, non-discrimination and access to a decent standard of living.”

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