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Weekend rains leave 4 dead, as well as landslides on roads and floods

A packed weekend emergencies and landslides caused heavy rains that, so far, have left 4 people dead in various parts of the department of well as flooded neighborhoods and homes, especially in the municipality of El Espinal.

According to the criteria of

The oldest Luis Fernando Vélez, director of Civil Defense in Tolima, stated that one of the critical situations occurred in the rural area of ​​the municipality of Rioblanco, to the south of the department, where a landslide buried two minors, ages 15 and 6

The emergency left 2 minors dead in the indigenous council of Barbacoas,” said Major Vélez and added that in that town There are tertiary roads collapsed due to landslides.

Civil Defense too reported, in the early hours of this Sunday, June 16, the death of the driver of a motorcycle that collided head-on with a fallen tree on the road, at the entrance to the municipality of El Espinal. The identity of the victim has not been specified by the authorities. The emergency, as a result of the rains, also left 3 people injured who are being treated at the Asotrauma clinic in Ibagué.

In El Espinal there are 20 flooded neighborhoods.

Photo:Civil defense

In the middle of a strong downpour, another traffic accident also occurred near the Sena headquarters, in El Espinal, which left 3 people serious injuries that are treated in healthcare centers.

In El Espinal, heavy rains also flooded 20 neighborhoods and our volunteers respond to emergencies with the evacuation of families in the Belén, Betania, Bosques del Roa neighborhoods and in the El Molino sector.”said the director of the Civil Defense of Tolima.

We must not forget that in the early hours of Saturday, June 15, a landslide also buried a woman who was sleeping in her home in the municipality of Fresno, lor that raised the number of people killed due to the rains to 4.

In El Espinal, trees fell on the tracks.

Photo:Civil defense

“Rain forecasts are very serious”

Adriana Magaly Matiz, Governor of Tolima, said that these days the rains have been very intense throughout the department, which has caused more than 1,000 landslides on the roads, as well as flooding in neighborhoods. and damage to homes and crops.

The forecast that Ideam gave us this week at the Montería governors’ summit is extremely serious, especially during July and August since the rains are going to be above one hundred percent and that condition would last until next year.“said the president.

“We ask the national government to urgently collaborate with us with resources, yellow machinery and humanitarian aid for families,” he added.

Erika Lozano, Secretary of Environment and Risk Management in Tolima, assured that this weekend there have been 7 mass movements leaving deaths, flooding and damage to homes and roads in El Espinal, Fresno, Chaparral, Flandes, Coello, Ortega, Lebanon, CajamarcaRioblanco, among other towns.

For all this, efforts are coordinated with Cortolima, emergency committees, mayors and relief organizations, to provide care to thousands of affected families.

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