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Córdoba volunteers manage to recover more than 80% of the baby birds that fall from the nests

The balance of swifts, martins and swallows that inhabit the cities and that have recovered after falling from the nest has been better than the previous year in Córdoba, rising from 73% to 83%, thanks to the collaboration strategy maintained by the Territorial Delegation of Sustainability, Environment and Blue Economy of the Junta de Andalucía in Córdoba and the Córdoba Zoo Conservation Center, in which numerous groups and volunteer citizens participate.

The volunteers, as reported by the Board in a note, managed to care for 838 specimens of swifts, house martins and swallows in the last breeding season, thus increasing the number compared to the previous year, in 2022, which was 593.

The breeding of these small birds accustomed to living with humans is conducive to collaboration with volunteers, since the care is not complex and the breeding period is only for a few weeks, which allows a high percentage of them to thrive and return to life. its wild state.

These species usually nest on ledges and balconies in towns and cities during spring and summer, so, during this breeding season, it is easy to find young on the ground after beginning their first attempts at flight. The specimens found only require correct feeding and handling until they reach adulthood so that they are capable of flying.

Therefore, for the second year, this collaborative initiative has been launched, which is achieving significant recovery rates of birds that then return to fly over the skies of the city of Córdoba. They are very beneficial insectivorous species, included in the Andalusian List of Wild Species under Special Protection Regime (Lespre) that are also protected by national regulations.

The initiative has the participation of the Córdoba Zoo Conservation Center, registered as a collaborating entity in matters of flora and fauna of the Ministry of Sustainability, Environment and Blue Economy. The Zoo acts as a reception and care center for the chickens through its qualified staff and the volunteer work of the Small Zoologists Club.

For its part, the Territorial Delegation of Sustainability provides food for the upbringing and training of volunteers. In fact, on the occasion of the celebration of World Swift Day, on June 7, the second training of the Club of Small Zoologists was carried out, led by technicians from the Center for the Recovery of Endangered Species (CREA). The Villares. A few days that concluded with the release of several recovered birds.

At the same time, the initiative has the collaboration of volunteers from the Fauna de Córdoba veterinary clinic, the SOS Vencejos entity, the Alula Andalusí Association, the Fundación Diagrama Intervención Psicosocial-CIMI Medina Azahara de Córdoba and the Zoo Córdoba Conservation Center.

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