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Sáenz: “It is essential that the Nation and Province work together” – Nuevo Diario de Salta | The little diary

Governor Gustavo Sáenz reiterated that it is essential that the Nation and Province work together, within the framework of the tributes to the Gaucho Hero.

After carrying out the events in the Cathedral Basilica, Governor Gustavo Sáenz thanked Vice President Victoria Villarruel for the presence and stated that her presence “claims and honors” the figure of General Güemes.

“It is essential that the national and provincial governments work together for the aggrandizement of the Homeland. This is how we will surely do it, neither Güemes nor San Martín expected a divided Argentina,” he said.

Regarding the approval of the Base Law, the president maintained that all rulers come with a political, economic and social proposal, and must have the necessary tools to carry out their government program.

“Then it will depend on the time. It is their project, the people accompanied it and we have to have the civic and democratic responsibility to accompany what the people voted for,” she said.

Regarding the Güemes Pact, Sáenz thanked all the Salteños who participated and signed the document.

“The north is not a burden, it is Argentina’s solution. It has a very great potential that is asleep and must be awakened. We have everything the world demands, we only need the infrastructure works that the country, not this government, has denied us for so many years,” he concluded.


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