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Strike in Vaca Muerta: Oil workers define the details of the strike that begins tomorrow

The authorities of the Private Oil Tankers Union of Río Negro, Neuquén and La Pampa This afternoon they will define the operational details of what the strike will be like for 48 hours that will begin tomorrow and that will affect the country’s energy engine: Vaca Muerta.

The force measure is planned to starts tomorrow Tuesday at 8 in the morningimplying from its beginning a profound paralysis in the activity since it will be developed under the modality of being with production affected.

But also, due to the time already scheduled for the start of the strikewill also imply an alteration in personnel turnover shifts, since the union indicated that the premise will be to “let the staff who finish shifts go down, but not the new shift up.”

Said this more clearly, the form of the strike implies that workers who are in the fields today and complete their work schedules between tomorrow and Wednesday will be allowed to return to their homes, but In principle, they would not be allowed to be replaced by the next shift of workers..

This represents a serious impact on the tasks, whose fine thread on how to guarantee uA type of minimum security guard will be defined today in a meeting of the board of directors of the union and the delegates who are scheduled to starts at 6pm in Añelo.

The 48-hour strike launched by the union led by Marcelo Rucci stems from the claim that the union has been carrying out for some time regarding the salaries of the so-called “8 hour workers”. These are the initial staff of service companies who work at the company bases and who earn low salaries compared to the rest of the sector.

From the guild It is claimed that these workers receive salaries below the Basic Basket, with salaries of between 600,000 and 800,000 pesos.and it was noted that despite the claims, the last proposal received was to forme a kind of fund to improve these salaries, but that it is nourished by a discount for higher-paid workers.

Although the last calls for strikes were fundamentally deactivated by the dictate of mandatory conciliations by the Ministry of Labor, the union indicated that Power On that until now they have had no news about a possible intervention of the labor portfolio.


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