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Communes of Chile suspend classes on Monday, June 17 and Tuesday, June 18. Which ones?

The strong frontal system that arrived this day in its communes forced different municipalities to suspend classes for these two days.

By Franco Abatte

06/17/2024 – 10:31am CLT


The rain to some regions of the country and that is why There are many municipalities that reported a new suspension of classes for this Monday, June 17, and for tomorrow, Tuesday, the 18th.specifically communes belonging to the Region of Biobío and Araucanía.

In which communes in Chile did classes suspend this Monday, June 17 and Tuesday, June 18?

With the aim of preventing any eventuality in the face of the strong frontal system that began this day, the municipalities that suspended classes are:

Bio bio region

  • Alto Bío Bío
  • Arauco
  • Cañete
  • Chiguayan
  • Conception
  • Colonel
  • Curanilahue
  • Florida
  • Hualpen
  • Hualqui
  • Laja
  • The Angels
  • Burbot
  • Mulchen
  • Birth
  • Negrete
  • Quilaco
  • Quilleco
  • Saint Rosendo
  • Saint Barbara
  • Saint Joan
  • San Pedro de La Paz (Monday June 17)
  • Talcahuano
  • Take
  • Yumbel

Information updated by the Seremi del Biobío this June 17 at 8:30 am.

Araucania region

  • Angol
  • Chol Chol
  • Collipulli
  • Pitrufquen
  • Toltén (Queule)

And what about private and subsidized private establishments?

In a publication made through “X”, the Seremi de Educación del Biobío points out that, in the case of private and subsidized private establishmentsare The holders are responsible for informing whether or not this suspension has been applied.

Although the Mineduc calendar reports that winter holidays begin on June 24 for the Biobío and Araucanía region, many establishments in the two aforementioned regions will begin winter holidays this Wednesday, June 19which will last until next Monday, July 8.


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