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This is how ex-soldiers embark to fight in the Ukrainian war

The desire to reach a land of opportunities to work, have a good income, grow economically and guarantee personal and family well-being is what many people have called the ‘American dream’ for decades.

According to the criteria of

Although currently, to achieve that dream of reaching the United States and transforming a dollar into what will be your life project, it requires a very high price, which is why some people have seen war as an alternative to get ahead.

This is what Johnny Cortés, former Colombian military officer, considers who took advantage of his knowledge and ventured to participate in different international missions in which he achieved economic stability, recognition and fulfilled his dream of having his own surveillance academy in which he applies his extensive knowledge in the military.

He maintains that in the Colombian Army, where he spent four years as a special forces tactical operator, the conditions of the military are difficult: “one works to safeguard peace, earning 1,600,000 pesos as a professional soldier, risking his life in the sun. and water to aspire to buy a house.”

Under the logic of risking one’s life for a low salary in Colombia or doing so in an international conflict, but with better pay and conditions, led the Manizale soldier based in Pereira to embark on military missions in the United Arab Emirates (five years), Foreign Legion French (three years), United Arab Emirates (one year) and Ukraine (11 months).

Jairo Bahamón and Jhonatan Chimbaco, wearing the uniforms of the Ukrainian army.

Photo:Private File

He assures that the current conflict between Russia and Ukraine has become the new ‘American dream’ for many people who want to change their lives. And thanks to his experience, he has become a guide and advisor for those who want to take that path.

That is why, through your Tik Tok channel provides recommendations and details the risks that may arise when linking with the Ukrainian navy.

Regarding the incorporation process, he assures that it must be carried out directly with the unit battalions, such as Ternopil, where they are subsequently sent to the 204th, “which is where the most Colombians arrive and where they pay the least, there are even people who have been delayed up to six months without paying.” For this reason, he recommends reading the contract conditions carefully and being well informed.

He explains that until almost a month ago, the payment was between 9 and 15 million Colombian pesos.

“Out of 9 million is the person who goes to the trenches, who has no specialization, who has no military circumstance. The person who is going to win 15 million pesos is because he already has good experience and some specialization as a combat nurse, as a sniper or as an explosives specialist. The person who joins must already do so for a six-month contract. This person is already earning from 15 million to 21 million pesos,” he details.

Although he is aware of how hard it is to risk one’s life in an armed conflict, he believes that by acting in the best way and being well informed one can get ahead.

“I send videos and tutorials on social networks. And people start writing to me and I help them with it. If they have doubts, I help them make their dreams come true, and they will see how they live there. I have people there who left, as I told them, they are there and they are already earning 5 thousand dollars,” she explains.

Ukrainian soldiers attack Russian positions near Bakhmut.

Photo:Anatolii Stepanov / AFP

Live to tell

After being in the Colombian Army, exactly in Battalion No.4 and attached in Tumaco, Nariño, Audel Rojas looked for a way to generate more income. He tried it as a security guard in Villavicencio. He was there for about six months, but he realized that it was not his thing or what he wanted for his life.

He remembers that everything changed when he saw a video from a military information team that said that In Ukraine they were looking for Colombians.

“I downloaded a translator without internet, through which I was able to communicate with the volunteer incorporation points, both in kyiv and Ternopil. I went on November 1 of last year, and on the 18th I signed my first contract,” he recalls.

He says that he arrived at the Karpatska Sich battalion made up only of Ukrainians and that it had good conditions for combatants.

“I liked it a lot, because if you were hurt they would take you out, or if you died, your body would be sent to the family at no cost, I felt like they weren’t going to leave me behind. As for payments, on the 10th Ukraine deposits about 20 thousand hryvnias, and from the 20th to 28th NATO deposits approximately 10 thousand hryvnias, approximately between 11 to 13 million pesos, depending on how they are exchanged,” explains Rojas.

Kyiv (kyiv) (Ukraine), 09/03/2022.- Members of the Territorial Defense Forces learn how to use rocket-propelled grenades during the training session on the use of weapons and first aid, in Kyiv (Kiev), Ukraine, 09 March 2022. According to Ukrainian National Guard statistics, 100,000 Ukrainians have joined the Territorial Defense Force since the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. (Russia, Ukraine) EFE/EPA/ROMAN PILIPEY


He relates that military life in Ukraine is one of constant learning about weapons: “Every week they teach you all types of weapons, from rifles to night or heat scopes. You also learn to place mines.”

He assures that day-to-day life in the conflict with Russia is very tense, due to the continuous attacks.

“In December, there was an advance of more than 600 Russians. And in that battle 400 of them died and some Colombians too. With two companions we were trying to get someone who was dead into a cart of the kind you see in the market squares, and on that journey we were detected by the Russians who were launching guided missiles and they fell close to me, some splinters even fell on me in the case, and when I felt like I couldn’t take it anymore, I remembered my daughter and that gave me the strength to repel and manage to remove the body of my partner,” Rojas remembers.

What Colombians go to Ukraine?

Although initially, he assures that they were looking for Colombians with military experience, now he says that he sees “a little bit of everything.”

“There are people who want to vindicate themselves from society, that is, they see themselves as demobilized guerrillas, former paramilitaries, or those who have joined armed groups in Colombia, who seek to fight for a good cause and make amends with society, and by the way, Be the pride of your families. But in general, there are police officers, lieutenants, patrolmen…,” he comments.

Although he considers that military experience is key to surviving a war environment, so is the sense of survival: “A Colombian architect impressed us because he alone, in a trench, fought with a Russian advance party, while his partner, a pensioner soldier was crying hidden.”

He says that the difficult economic situation of the country Increasingly, many people prefer to ‘die fighting someone else’s war, but winning well, rather than die of hunger in the country or work for a minimum.’

He adds that Colombians are also wanted from Russia, but “with very harsh conditions, starting because they take away all types of communications and they are at their mercy, and they also pay very little.”

Colombian in Ukraine.


About the objective of his mission in Ukrainedetails that it is gaining land and protecting areas that the Russians are looking for, which is why it indicates that there are support battalions, which in many cases, have some Colombian.

“The Colombian military is desired not only in Ukraine, but in several countries, due to the character we have, our intelligence and because we always seek to take care of life, but with sagacity, while the Russians seem to care little, that is why they are bad in infantry and terrain they lose to us, although they have a lot of military potential and weapons,” he comments.

What happened to the Cali soldier who surrendered to Russian troops?

The image before the media Miguel Ángel Cárdenas Montillaa soldier from Cali who stated that he had surrendered to the Russian army because he claimed that they left him alone and that he also saw many of his comrades die, shocked many Colombians.

For Audel Rojas, in this case “there is a lot to tell”, due to the way in which it appeared in the media.

“Starting with his face drooping and one eye bruised, at the same time he said that the Russians were treating him well. It’s hard to believe, because the Russians are bad and everyone they catch, especially the Colombians, they kill as they have already done with several of their colleagues. Suddenly they made an exception for him to show themselves humanitarian to the world, but what is certain is that they tortured him and he spoke under pressure,” says Rojas.

One year since the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Photo:Getty Images

As for what could happen to the Colombian soldier, he speculates that “they are going to treat him very well, because they want to show themselves to the world as humanitarians and that they spare the life of the enemy.”

That is why he does not recommend enlisting in an assault force, which he considers to be exposing yourself to being ‘cannon fodder’.

“Support when you are in an assault is complicated, and even more so is that of aviation. The conditions are very harsh and you can be left alone”highlights.

Despite everything, he highlights the benefits of fighting for foreign forces and the doors that open with other countries, the risk of dying violently will always be latent, which is why he considers it key to be well informed to live this new ‘American dream’.

Currently, Audel Rojas is in the country to attend to one of his ventures and in a few months he assured that he will return to Ukraine.


Editor of EL TIEMPO


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