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Instructor of the Sena de La Guajira-Magdalena and leader of the National Association of Guides died

With great consternation, the sudden death of Manuel Alexánder Muñoz Banderas, who worked as a Sena instructor in the ‘Tourist Guidance’ program, was received in La Guajira and Magdalena.

‘Mane’ as they affectionately called him, had health problems that caused his death last weekend in the city of Santa Marta.

In addition to belonging to tourism providers, or to the so-called ‘industry without chimneys’, the young man was widely known among the productive sector.

He earned recognition because from a very young age he dedicated himself to teaching and promoting the different sites of the capital of Magdalena, its iconic natural attractions and he was also a host among visitors and in different national and international events, earning the love and respect from leaders of tourism, hospitality, the gastronomic sector and officials from the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism.

He was considered the driving force of Professional Tourist Guidance in La Guajira, manager of the latest promotions of said practice in the Department.

“Mane, you leave us very sad with your early departure. But more are the teachings, the anecdotes, the joys and the important things that were done and achieved… You will be greatly missed in the union and your friends and family but God wanted a good guide with him in these moments in heaven. For the Sena sectionals who enjoyed your life and for the Muñoz Banderas family, my most sincere feelings of regret and a big hug. Rest in peace, old friend,” Luis Gómez, a close friend, expressed through his social networks.


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