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UJC consolidates its contribution to socioeconomic development in Camagüey

Camagüey, June 18.- As a vanguard organization, committed to maintaining the continuity of the Cuban Revolution, the Union of Young Communists (UJC) in the province of Camagüey consolidates its contribution to the socioeconomic development of the territory.

Heiner Lian Carvajo Baxter, first secretary of the Provincial Committee of the UJC, commented that youth protagonism is encouraged in impact tasks that allow us to respond to the agri-food emergencies of the demarcation.

In that sense, he specified that militancy is linked to strategic tasks such as food production, sugarcane recovery, sanitation of the city, construction of social works and care for vulnerable people.

On the other hand, he explained that they maintain a close alliance with the prevention commissions and the Delegation of the Ministry of the Interior (MININT) to provide follow-up to young people disengaged from study and work, as well as with the Provincial Directorate of Labor and Social Security Job fairs are organized in vulnerable communities.

It continues as a priority, he added, to enhance the attention and participation of young people in the non-state sector of the economy, since, he pointed out that the number of grassroots organizations and militants that exist in that union is still insufficient.

He also pointed out that with the José Martí Pioneer Organization (OPJM) attention is strengthened, since progress has been made in the knowledge of the national history and recreation through the Historical Routes, and in particular the Martiano Youth Movement (MJM) achieves bring together interests in activities such as hiking and backpacking.

Likewise, he said that the OPJM designed the Standard Bearers of the Homeland process and promotes the revitalization of the Pioneer Explorers Movement to rescue its founding concepts.

As a vitally important initiative, Carvajo Baxter described the Happy Without Drugs process, developed in the province’s schools and which responds to the discussions held at school sites about addictions and other harmful practices.

The youth leader also said that the work of the UJC has focused on carrying out a stimulus program that promotes visits to decisive centers for the territory’s economy, where new generations acquire greater preparation on the activities that are carried out for the benefit of the society. (ACN) (Photo: Taken from the Internet)

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