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Puerto Chacabuco: PDI arrests defendant for flagrant crime of animal abuse

Last week, detectives from the Aysén Investigative Brigade of Crimes Against the Environment and Cultural Heritage (BIDEMA) adopted a police procedure for the crime of animal abuse in the town of Puerto Chacabuco, where the owner of a pet was arrested. He was in an obvious state of malnutrition.

Regarding this case, Deputy Commissioner Carolina Contreras of the BIDEMA Aysén, pointed out that “a complaint was received for the crime of abandonment or animal abuse, where it was reported that in a home located in Puerto Chacabuco they kept a canine, pit bull breed, female, in very poor health and hygiene conditions.”

In order to carry out the investigative procedures, a specialized team from the unit went to the place to corroborate the reported facts, “verifying the presence of the aforementioned dog in a deplorable condition, evident at a glance and due to its extreme thinness, the grill complete costal and also the spinous and transverse processes of all his lumbar vertebrae, but without extreme loss of muscle mass,” indicated the police officer.

After the review, it was detected that the pet did not maintain the minimum conditions for responsible ownership, and even “no containers of water or food were evident,” said Deputy Commissioner Contreras, adding that “it was also not possible to establish that the pet maintained a correct vaccination and deworming schedule, nor attributing that his thinness was the product of some disease.”

Thus, “the owner of the canine was detained, since he had not provided the minimum necessary care, since he was in an obvious state of malnutrition, presenting visible thinness, contravening the provisions of Law No. 20,380 on protection animal and Law No. 21,020 on responsible ownership of pets, thus configuring the flagrant crime of animal abuse by omission,” the detective stressed.

Finally, BIDEMA official Aysén called for reporting this type of incident, highlighting that the PDI has highly specialized teams to verify the conditions of the animals on the ground and maintains close collaboration with public and private entities to work closely. effectively this type of research.

In addition, the PDI reported that the accused will give the pet up for adoption.

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