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«Explain the absences due to anxiety in Tourism»

Tuesday, June 18, 2024, 09:11

Readers complain about dirt in the streets, talk about agricultural programs and ask for explanations for sick leave in Tourism. In the chapter of thanks, today the religious congregation of the Incarnate Word of Valvanera is defended.

  1. “Something more could be specified”

We begin today’s section with the confusion of a reader who cannot explain “the absences due to anxiety in Tourism.” «13 million of the budget have been spent, but then I read that there are 26 million euros spent… I don’t know, I don’t really understand what you are referring to. Maybe it would be good if they clarified it. And in relation to these problems, it seems to me that there are still sick leave due to anxiety in Education, Social Services or Health, but in tourism I really don’t understand it, let them explain it,” he asks again.

More information on this topic.

  1. Cleaning the streets of Villamediana

The next call refers to cleaning in Villamediana, specifically, on Río Alhama street. “Many dogs pass by there, but I don’t see anyone picking up excrement and cleaning urine,” the reader prefaces. “A lot of garbage is also deposited outside the containers and the lack of hygiene, together with the fact that there are two farms that are not cleared and some trees that were planted without watering, makes it an unedifying environment,” he reflects before demanding as a culmination ” “Let them disinfect and clean the street once and for all.”

  1. Taking events out of the historic center of the city

“The Old Town is not commercial,” says this communicator to say that “it has become a large bar and the City Council still does not organize and distribute activities throughout the city.” “It is clear that there are some that have to be in the historic center and that these are dates for this part of the city to have that pressure, but it is also true that there are other places where the activity can be distributed,” he insists.

  1. «There is a lack of farmers with their own farms»

He announces himself as an expert on the subject and wants to specify the Agriculture program after the latest news in the sector. «We must look for alternative crops to cereal in La Rioja. With 200 cubic hectometers of water capacity, the largest crop area is dedicated to cereals. Why?” he asks before continuing. «The example is the Leiva reservoir. When we were given the powers, the objective was to irrigate the areas of Tormantos, Leiva, Herramélluri and Ochándurí, in total, 1,500 hectares when Herramélluri cultivates approximately 1,200 hectares. That is the agriculture we have. In the year 80, Ana Leiva, then a counselor, proposed making alternative crops to cereal and set up experimental farms for tomatoes, hops, pear trees, etc., but they did not prosper. “In my opinion, the problem is that there are no professional farmers with plots of property,” he concludes, leaving in the air that the quote gives him much more, but that he cannot extend it so as not to leave too many clues about his desire to be anonymous.

  1. The “grease” that remains after the holidays

The next call is concise and emphatic: «Logroño and its Portales street have been left with a veil of grease from food on the sidewalks around the perimeter of the banks. I see that yes, it cleans itself, but in a very gentle way, and I think it should be applied hard.

More information on this topic.

  1. “I don’t understand those criticisms”

He calls from Huércanos and does so to defend recent criticism of the religious congregation of the Incarnate Word of Valvanera. «I think they run the monastery very well, that they are very good people. “I don’t know what they have against them,” he says. «Everyone is free to give their opinions, but I think they work very well and that the acts and liturgies are to be envied; I think people are very happy with them, I don’t know what that criticism is for,” he concludes.

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Plaza San Miguel, in Nájera, dirty and converted into a parking lot

“Plaza San Miguel de Nájera, although it may not seem like it, is a place where the Camino de Santiago passes.” Located next to Santa María la Real, explains a reader, “apart from how dirty and neglected it is, without tiles, broken streetlights, raised floor… it has long been converted into a parking lot.” «Since when can you park in a square? Nobody does anything. “It’s shameful,” he emphasizes.

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    the greatest number of calls, be brief, clear and concise in your presentation. The newspaper will respect the anonymity of readers who contact this section, but it will be necessary for them to state their name and contact telephone number, in case it is necessary to verify the origin of any of the calls. In no case will messages with disqualifications towards third parties be published. Political criticism of people and institutions has its specific space in the “Letters to the Director” section, in the Opinion pages of Diario LA RIOJA.

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