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Bernacki on political chants at masses: “It was a desecration”

After it emerged that there were chants against the national government in masses that were celebrated in the churches of San Cristobal and Constitución, in Buenos Aires, days ago, the vicar general and moderator of the ecclesiastical curia of Salta, Monsignor Dante Bernacki, expressed that it is necessary to make a “mea culpa” regarding these situations.

“It’s like we don’t look in the mirror. The issue of village priests and so on in Buenos Aires, doing mass with political images and so on encourages all of this. Forgive the expression, I’m going to say it bluntly but the blame doesn’t come of the pig, but of eating. So, if you provide a space and take the mass, it is the most sacred thing. That was a desecration,” Bernacki said.

And he added that this is not an issue for which the Church has to apologize, but rather it goes beyond that. “I believe that an act of reparation must be made. It was an absolute misplacement, but, as I say, it was also often encouraged by certain areas of the Church,” he said.

“This is part of human misery, of using the sacred, which has to do with reconciliation, with unity and so on, to foment division. It makes no sense. It is really the most absolute contradiction. The Church, the Eucharist is to unite us, not to divide us,” he stressed.

In addition, he referred to the heroes of the country, within the framework of the holidays that occur this week. “We have really paid our founding fathers very poorly. They gave everything and yet, as a result of the cracks is where the core of this is and the cracks persist,” he said.

And he recalled that when General San Martín, after his exile, tried to return to Argentina, he realized that it was divided between unitary and federal. “He found a fratricidal struggle between brothers. He returned to France and died. The last thing Belgrano had left was his watch. He paid the doctor who treated him and died in extreme poverty. He even donated what was due to him for the campaigns for schools. We celebrate Martín Miguel de Güemes today, a man with great charisma and leadership, who was struck by a treacherous bullet. We have not learned from history,” he said.

In La Puna there is union

Bernacki traveled to La Puna a few days ago for the patron saint’s day in honor of San Antonio de Padua. Furthermore, for 16 years he has accompanied the mining religious procession in honor of the Lord and the Virgin the Miracle that crosses that area.

He expressed that he is very impressed by seeing the people of La Puna. “Above all differences and opinions one may have, or party one may belong to, they know how to fight by uniting among themselves for the good of the community. I believe that is what we Argentines lack. How much time has passed with the Congress, the deputies, senators, the Base Law and the people suffer today. It is not about providing a solution three years from now. You died of hunger today, you died of hunger today,” he emphasized.

“Communicate with the other and not continue opening cracks”

Monsignor Dante Bernacki also referred to the importance of listening. “The only thing bureaucracy does is hurt, it hurts more. I hope we learn to listen a little more to those next to us, returning them to brotherhood and that we stop seeing the other as an enemy and see them as neighbors,” he said.

And he added: “in order to extend a hand I also have to commune with the need of the other instead of continuing to open cracks. Everyone knows that a family, a divided society fails. Brothers be united because that is the first law said Martín Fierro” .

In addition, he said that he recently went to a store to buy a gift for Father’s Day for a person he appreciates and that the merchants were desperate due to the low sales. “People right now are thinking about getting through the day, about eating, about medication. I hear retirees who take medication and don’t eat or eat and don’t take medication,” she said.

And he spoke of a sensation. “We kind of talk about the macroeconomy, which is advancing, with a lot of hope, but we leave aside the micro. Every day it is very difficult for people to go to the supermarket, get fuel, pay the bus fare. I believe that the The weight of all this is falling on the poorest,” he said.

He said that they have allocated help focusing on the area of ​​the San Javier landfill, the San Justo settlement, Villa Primavera and Los Sauces. “People are very generous. The nicest thing is that they help each other too and it is not a handout for the sake of a handout or cheap or demagogic welfare, but rather giving them the resources, everything necessary so that they themselves can get ahead. It is promotion social,” he concluded.

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