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Two historic Buenos Aires auditoriums will go from dirt fields to synthetic grass – Radio Festival

The residents of the Placeres and O’Higgins hills received good news, after the unanimous approval by the Buenos Aires Municipal Council of the bidding to install synthetic grass in the O’Higgins stadium and Benito Parraguez auditorium.

In the case of the O’Higgins stadium, an investment of $391,630,731 is contemplated and for the Benito Parraguez auditorium, $395,250,051.

After approval, José Zamora, interim president of the Los Placeres Football Association, express “Who else but me can say that I have been waiting for years for something that I said would, at some point, be done and it came true. Thanks to the efforts of the Council, the mayor and the Sports Directorate, we are going to say that we have synthetic grass and the Placeres athletes will never forget that.”

In that same sense, Carla Meyer, in charge of the Community Development Directorate (DIDECO), highlighted the investment that the municipality makes in terms of improving the sports infrastructure of these venues.

“In this case, the investments in the O’Higgins stadium and Benito Parraguez auditorium are going to be very significant for the clubs that carry out physical activity there, but also for other instances, such as the schools in the sector. We believe that this investment reflects good municipal administration and the municipality’s willingness to work together with the communities.”

It should be remembered that these works are part of a series of improvements in sports infrastructure that are being carried out in various venues in the city this year, thanks to the million-dollar investment, estimated at more than $1.3 billion, promoted by the Citizen Mayor’s Office. .

Basketball and Breaking Association

In the Council session, it was also approved to grant a subsidy of $85 million to the Valparaíso Basketball Association, which, as explained by its president, Luis Pacheco, will be allocated for four items:

“The first is for the Pancho Cup that took place in the summer; second, a national sub 14 where Valparaíso had an outstanding participation, achieving second place. The third, allocate part of the funds for the 2024 arbitration and, the fourth, in order to improve the infrastructure of the Fortín roof.”

This helps, he said Pacheco, “It allows us to safeguard several items where we had already invested and developed expenses, our great desire being to fix our roof once and for all, so that, on rainy days like these, we can play sports.”

In another area, a grant of $1,400,000 was approved for the “Valparabreaking” Cultural Center, which will allow its representatives to travel to Switzerland on June 28 to represent Chile in an international competition.

Francisca Mendoza, “Valparabreaking” partner, expressed that “I find it exciting, because it helps me acquire the necessary knowledge to continue with my Breake workshops and thus pave the way for future athletes. The idea is for Valparaíso to continue climbing in the national ranking, since the last time I finished in the top 4 internationally in the Women’s Category.”

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