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[Minuto a Minuto] New frontal system generates mass removals in the Biobío

23:17 –

| Metropolitan Director of Senapred and friday frontal system: It is assumed, according to what they tell us, the second should have a greater impactmore water, but it is still developing news

23:15 –

| Metropolitan Director of Senapred, Miguel Muñoz: We must have a focus on the potential impact that could occur in the different communes, particularly in the most vulnerable, which are the rural communes, which have saturated soils; therefore, The water that falls will simply move and cause flooding

23:13 –

| Metropolitan Director of Senapred, Miguel Muñoz: We are going to have rainfall that will be concentrated mainly during the early morning, and after 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday

23:09 –

| Among the preventive works carried out this Monday in the capital, work in the Peñalolén anti-flood pools stands out.

23:09 –

| It is expected that, between now and Wednesday, 50 millimeters of water will fall on the Metropolitan Region

23:06 –

| Metropolitan delegate, Constanza Martínez: A lot of water has just fallen in a very short time, therefore, we are going to have an important deployment in the rural sectors, which are 14 communes that also require a lot of work from all services

23:05 –

| Metropolitan delegate, Constanza Martínez: There are about 22 critical points, but more than a thousand in the entire region, if all the places that are complex are counted

23:04 –

| Metropolitan delegate, Constanza Martínez: Mitigation work has been done and also preparation of both the streams and rivers, as well as the downtown sector

18:31 –

| “Of these, as of today there are 81 establishments that have major damage, based on reports from the supporters; 18 are being shelters in 12 communes, with just over 220 people,” explained Undersecretary Arratia.

18:29 –

| The Undersecretary of Education, Alejandra Arratia, in the Biobio: “In the region we have 182 educational establishments with damages174 are schools and high schools and eight kindergartens”

18:28 –

| The establishments of all these communes must recover today’s and tomorrow’s classes during the remaining school year, with the exception of Curanilahue and Arauco, the most affected by the frontal systems

18:27 –

| These are: Curanilahue, Arauco, Mulchén, Los Ángeles, Quilaco, Quilleco, Birth, Alto Biobío, San Rosendo, Santa Bárbara, Yumbel, Negrete, Laja, Talcahuano, Santa Juana, Hualpén, Coronel, Concepción, Chiguayante, Florida, Hualqui, Cañete, Lota , Saint Peter and Tome

18:22 –

| Biobío: 25 communes will continue with suspended classes this Tuesday #CooperativeWithYou

18:22 –

| Precipitation in the Biobío has been weak this Monday, but the alerts remain activated because, after the last two frontal systems, the rivers continue to be full and the soils are saturated with water

18:21 –

| “We need families to be able to leave (%u2026) due to imminent danger; it is becoming more and more complex. For this we have arranged two buses in the Laraquete sector,” said the mayor of Arauco, Elizabeth Maricán.

15:54 –

| In Arauco, buses have been arranged for the evacuation of residents from hills near Laraquete, given the imminent risk of mass removal

15:52 –

| Neighbors of the Zaror hill in Talcahuano, evacuated early this Monday, lament the consequences of the emergency: “Sadness, because overnight, due to nature’s toll, everything forged in years has to be left behind”; and that there is “latent danger of the hill collapsing,” said some voices from the sector

13:47 –

“In the case of the Metropolitan Region, today the first showers should begin at night weakly and in the early morning they could become generalized, and we could accumulate between 20 or 30 millimeters between the night of today and the early morning of tomorrow, and Already during the day, Tuesday the 18th, we should accumulate between 20 to 30 millimeters more,” highlighted the expert.

13:47 –

| Meteorologist Fernando Martin explained that “if we compare it with the system that affected us between Wednesday and Friday, where it left many areas flooded, this frontal system is much weaker, with normal to moderate rainfall for the time.”

13:40 –

| The director(s) of Senapred, Alicia Cebrián, highlighted that “it is a more frontal system that affects the same area that already has its land saturated with water, with river beds that have not decreased in intensity and with land softened that represent situations of different levels of risk in terms of probable mass removals in some localities”

13:35 –

| Regarding damages, the Minister(s) of Education, Alejandra Arratia, said that there are 182 establishments with damage, 81 of them with major damage.

13:33 –

| “We have already notified 36 families that the soil is uninhabitable and that their houses are at risk of sliding. Additionally, what we are doing is notifying another 10 people in the upper part of the hill, so that they can can have a process of leaving the place and can spend the night, either with family or in a shelter that we have arranged,” Campos said.

13:33 –

| Henry Campos, mayor of Talcahuano, said that “there are 21 mass removal points that we currently have in the commune of Talcahuano and this is one of them, where there are a greater number of families that are at risk.”

13:33 –

| In the case of Talcahuano, the evacuation of 36 families from Cerro Zaror in the San Vicente sector was ordered.

13:32 –

| “In addition to that, we also want to inform that we have received a red alert from Senapred and an SAE alert for evacuation of the Pichilo sector again due to river overflow, it is a really complex situation,” commented the communal authority.

13:30 –

| In Arauco, Mayor Elizabeth Maricán confirmed that there is “imminent danger of mass removal in some sectors and we need families to be able to leave.”

13:29 –

| After the rains recorded in the south-central area last week, during this day a new frontal system arrived in the country, which has already generated problems in the Biobío

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