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MinDefensa defended itself in the motion debate against it

Around 10:30 pm on Monday, June 17, the Minister of Defense, Iván Velásquez He intervened in the middle of the debate on the motion of censure against him, after the public order situation that is registered in the country, due to the terrorist escalation of the FARC Dissidents, in departments such as Valle del Cauca, Cauca, Caquetá, Huila, Meta, among others.

For this reason, the minister pointed out that during the first minutes of his speech, that, “It is the opportunity to talk about everything that has caused you concern.”“I want to point out that when accusations are made in a motion of censure, it is supposed to be against the person summoned.”

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In that same sense, he initially referred to the situation in Cauca. “Probably There were not many actions of violence before, perhaps because there were not many actions of repressionWhen the president ordered the public force to recover the territory, it was a territory of which there is still no effective control, very strong operations have been carried out and The Army with the Air Force managed to take those positions that the dissidents had in El Plateado, confronted them, evicted them and progress has been made.”

Furthermore, the minister added: “with absolute respect for the rights of the population, contained by its responsibility because that is how it acts, a confrontation was not intended in El Plataado, because it was known what the consequences were for the civilian population, members of the General Staff Central, they fired from that town center in the middle of the community to prevent the Army from responding (…) “They are acts of responsibility that we have to highlight and that is why the public force has delayed taking control of the town center of El Plateado.”

Meanwhile, regarding the situation in Jamundí, Valle del Cauca, he said that The Police have reinforced their capacity, in region No4, under the command of a general who is the fifth in the line of command. “We have drone detectors, four teams against criminal finances, recruitment against minors, etc., capabilities that the National Police has been increasing. Since the ceasefire was lifted we have had 67 combats, that is, one combat every 31 hours, achieving 367 captures and 24 deaths,” he added.

“Without minimizing the events that have occurred that are absolutely serious, from what I have said, If they want us to give up and agree to a ceasefire again, they are wrong, there will be no renewal of the ceasefire in Nariño, Cauca“We are committed (…) Many actions have been developed that have had beneficial results, we have insisted to the population on the need to collaborate with the public force.”

Finally he defended himself and assured that “we are going to recover the department of Cauca.”

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