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How waterspouts and tornadoes form in Chile: May and June are the favorable months for them to occur | BBCL With You

This morning residents of Penco woke up to strong winds. Some voices even speak of the occurrence of waterspouts or tornadoes What is the difference between these phenomena and why do they occur?

Although they are not as common as other weather events, Waterspouts and tornadoes are not foreign to the Bío Bío region, much less to Chile. The first one on record appeared in some verses from “La Araucana” by Alonso de Ercilla, in May 1554.

In more recent history, A tornado wreaked havoc in Talcahuano and Concepción on May 31, 2019. Roofs on the ground, overturned vehicles, trees and light poles uprooted were some of the effects of the emergency. The most serious ones were established with one person died and at least 8 injured in a first report.

What is the difference between waterspouts and tornadoes?

The surface on which they develop is the main distinction. Waterspouts are columns of air that rotate over a body of water such as the sea or a lake.. These can be of 2 types depending on the conditions in which they are formed.

Fair-weather thunderstorms form when weather conditions are calm and a connection forms between water and a cumulus cloud. On the other hand, there are tornadic waterspouts, which develop over water but are associated with a severe storm.

Tornadoes also form from a thunderstorm, but They are formed on the ground.

Why do these phenomena occur?

For a waterspout or tornado to form, there must be sufficient humidity and instability, as well as certain dynamic conditions that favor the rotation of a storm, says Dr. in Atmospheric Sciences and academic at the University of Valparaíso, Julio Marín.

The tornadoes that we see in the northern hemisphere versus those that occur in Chile have different characteristics. The expert assures that in our country they are developed through a low Convective Available Potential Energy (CAPE), and high wind shear, which is the change in intensity or direction that it has with height.

The academic from the University of Valparaíso points out that the tornadoes that hit the American plains, causing great destruction, have the opposite conditions to those we see in Chile. Low convective potential energy and high wind shear translate into less intensity in this part of the world. Even though their possible development is sometimes alerted, they do not necessarily end up happening.

Those that occurred in 1554, that of 2019, many others that occurred in history and that of this Tuesday in Penco, took place between May and June, which are the months identified as the most favorable for these phenomena. This was also reflected in a database prepared by researchers from the University of Chile.

As the morning progressed, the Seremi of the Environment of Bío Bío, Pablo Pinto, assured that in reality What happened in Penco corresponded to winds gusting over 40 KM/Hthus ruling out doubts about the occurrence of waterspouts or tornadoes in the area.

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