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“We need a national Peronism where new leaders emerge”

The Tucumán president left a warning to the party leadership at the national level.

The governor, Osvaldo Jaldo, expressed that it is necessary for national Peronism to adapt to the circumstances, after observing that society evolved and chose another political space. “We need a national Peronism where new leaders emerge,” he stated.

When asked about the approval of the Base Law and the fragmentation of Peronism at the national level, Jaldo expressed that it is necessary for the National Justicialist Movement to formalize self-criticism and promote new leadership.

“Today, Peronism at the national level has to have a sincere and frank reading of what is happening in the country,” he remarked. Regarding what happened in the last elections, you have to make self-criticism because we understand that society has evolved and has chosen another political space. “People have wanted change, that is why they voted the way they voted in the last national elections,” she added.

“Be much more pragmatic”

The Tucumán president insisted on that Peronism “has to help itself, be much more pragmatic, apply common sense and evolve because society has evolved. We need a Peronism that rises to the occasion, a national Peronism where new leaders emerge who can lead and lead the process of the National Justicialist Movement.”

“I don’t see any leadership at the national level,” he warned, “and today I see that Peronism is acting in a dispersed manner. There is no direction, there is no path and there is no policy. Even though we are the opposition, we have to have a policy as an opposition and I don’t see that. Each of the sectors of Peronism has a different institutional and political project, he said. This path and in these conditions is not going to take us absolutely anywhere. Once and for all, leadership must appear at the national level. Peronism has to make a mea culpa and fundamentally change project planning and also people planning. If people voted differently it is for something and they have to start notifying those that people did not vote for them, that they chose another political project,” she assured.

“We have the institutional responsibility to govern. On June 11 (2023) almost 620,000 people voted for me. I have been one of the most voted Tucuman governors in history, but I govern for 1.9 million Tucumans. That’s why the people voted for me, to govern Tucumán without distinction of political affiliations. I understood this this way and in this way I understand that it is the correct path and in whatever way I can collaborate with the national government, I am going to do it. I am going to do my bit so that the national government does well. If things go well for the Government, things go well for Argentines. We must work together, united, each one from their own spaces, never lowering the flag or the party to which one belongs, but contributing positive things so that our beloved Argentine homeland can move forward,” he stated.

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