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They prohibit the felling of trees in SLP due to the hot season – Astrolabio

Maria Ruiz

Christian Azuara Azuaradirector of Municipal Services of the capital, reported that the felling and removal of trees is prohibited during this season, a measure taken on the instructions of the mayor Alexandra Daniela Cid Gonzálezwho stressed the importance of protecting the city’s green spaces.

Azuara explained that only those trees that represent a risk of falling may be removed.

“There is no issue of removal, there is no issue of felling trees, unless they can cause some damage to third parties or an accident,” he commented.

However, he emphasized the need to review and possibly modify the current regulations to improve environmental protection.

“In Mexico City it is a complication to remove even a branch, and that is how it should be in San Luis Potosí,” he added.

Azuara also reported on the sanctions imposed for illegal pruning and logging. Throughout this administration, up to 160 fines based on the thickness and size of the affected tree, with a cost of 32.40 Units of Measurement and Update (UMA’s), equivalent to 3 thousand 570 pesos, In addition, offenders must replace the felled trees with new plants.

“Surprisingly, 59 percent of sanctioned people try to evade paying fines,” he noted.

Azuara added that the City Council must actively pursue compliance with these sanctions, since fined people look for other ways to compensate for the damage so as not to pay the fine.

The director also denounced that there are individuals who carry out pruning and felling without the corresponding permits, and there is even the case of a specific person who is dedicated to selling plants and now carries out these activities illegally.

Azuara emphasized that any intervention on trees, whether pruning or felling, requires a permit from the City Council.

“During this hot season, there is a total ban on logging, except in emergency cases where trees pose a danger. It is essential that everyone understands and respects these rules to protect our environment,” Azuara concluded.

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