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The areas that are expected to have greater rainfall are the Huasteca, Central and Altiplano regions.

By: Editorial

San Luis Potosí will receive a cumulative rainfall of 200 to 250 millimeters on Thursday and early Friday in the Central, Middle and Huasteca areasaccording to the forecast of the National Meteorological Service (SMN) of the National Water Commission (Conagua), Therefore, the State Civil Protection Coordination (CEPC) carries out prevention actions with city councils and recommended that Potosinos take extreme precautions.

The director of the department, Mauricio Ordaz Flores, He said that the agency will maintain permanent monitoring of climatic conditions and will coordinate prevention and care actions with the municipalities if necessary, after this alert for intense to torrential rains for the southeastern states, the Yucatan Peninsula and the east. from Mexico.

Due to this forecast and in order to avoid putting lives and property at risk, the agency recommended to the population: avoid crossing riverbeds, streams, streams or low areas on foot or by vehicle; clean roofs, roofs or terraces to avoid runoff, the formation of humidity or leaks, in addition to cleaning patios to avoid water accumulation.

Additionally, he asked to be cautious about possible landslides, landslides, breakages, falling trees or poles, mainly when traveling by vehicle and locating nearby temporary shelters.

The areas that are expected to have greater rainfall are the Huasteca, Central and Altiplano regions, where there is an accumulated rainfall of 200 to 250 millimeters, and the greatest amount is expected to occur in the mountains to the south of the region. Middle and high parts of the Huasteca such as Aquismón and Xilitla.


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