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Harsh criticism from the FEERN to the Government for the electricity rate – ADN

(ADN).- “Outraged and deeply disappointed.” This is how the Federation of Business Entities of Río Negro (FEERN) referred to the provincial government’s decision to authorize – through the EPRE – the increase in the VAD requested by EdERSA and constitutes an increase in electricity rates.

The entity that brings together SMEs participated in the public hearings and requested to dismiss the increase. Now, he expressed his “strong rejection” of the government decision, and criticized the Entity because “despite all the solid arguments presented by the community” it finally “authorized the excessive rate increases for the EdERSA company.”

The measure had already earned criticism from the blocks of legislators of the Justicialista Party-Nuevo Encuentro and Vamos con Todos.

“This decision, added to the recent increases approved by the national government, will make the month of July absolutely unsustainable for thousands of SMEs, clubs and homes,” they indicated and added: “We denounce the abusive and exorbitant increases in the settlement of public services.” issued by the company EdERSA SA for the period of May 2024. These increases, granted during the last year, are a slap in the face to users and put the continuity of commercial and industrial activities in our province at serious risk.

Through a statement, the entity indicated that “the constant decline in commercial and industrial activity in Río Negro is due to demagogic measures that harm those who, with effort and dedication, generate economic resources and sources of employment for the people of Río Negro. It is unacceptable that an energy rate 14% higher than the price of the wholesale electricity market is imposed on us, in flagrant violation of the pass-through mechanism established in article 41 of Regulatory Decree 1,291/1995 of Law 2902 of the Rio Negro Electrical Regulatory Framework ».

«The increases in the Network Use Charge are excessive and confiscatory, exceeding 300% in the first months of 2024 and reaching 800% in the last 12 months. These increases are neither fair nor reasonable and are the product of arbitrary decisions by the granting power. In addition, we denounce the lack of compliance with the deadlines for receipt of the invoice and the expiration date, which are less than the 10 days established by current regulations. This practice of retroactive billing and advancing due dates is a mockery of users and must be rectified immediately,” the FEERN stressed.

And they added: “We categorically reject the increase recorded in the bill, which is disproportionate, abusive and confiscatory, seriously endangering the continuity of economic activities in a context of severe crisis. These increases only aggravate the situation in the sector and are completely unacceptable. The regulatory entity, far from looking after the interests of users, sanctions resolutions with retroactive increases in clear violation of our rights, being unconstitutional and contrary to law. This violates article 42 of our National Constitution, which protects the economic interests of consumers and users, as well as the right to information established in article 4 of Law 24,240.

«In our province, electricity bills are among the highest in the country. We are facing a tragic situation where the economic viability of our companies and the well-being of our families are in serious danger. The fees imposed are not only unfair, but also demonstrate a complete lack of consideration for the devastating impact they will have on the community,” the document states.

Finally, the FEERN pointed out: «for the above reasons, we Rio Negros are going to pay under protest, expressly reserving our rights. We will not passively accept this unconscionable burden and will continue to fight for fair and reasonable rates. We demand the immediate review of the increases published in the Official Gazette of the province of Río Negro dated June 10, 2024 and their retraction. It is essential to consider that numerous jobs are at stake and that these actions generate a lack of legal security for those of us who choose to produce in Río Negro.”

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