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After approval, the Senate sent the Base Law and the fiscal package to Deputies

This afternoon the Senate of the Nation sent to the Chamber of Deputies the final texts of the Bases law and the fiscal packageboth projects that were approved in general and in particular last week in the Upper House.

In this way, the president of the lower house, Martin Menemis now in a position to send the texts to the Constitutional Affairs, Budget and Finance and General Legislation commissions.

Both bills underwent substantial modifications as they passed through the Senate. For example, the Bases law had significant cuts in the chapter referring to Incentive Regime for Large Investments (RIGI).

At the same time, in privatizations the Government gave in with the exclusion of Argentine Airlines, Correo Argentina and RTA. He also had to cancel the entire pension chapter.

On the fiscal package side, the ruling party had important defeats such as in the restitution of the fourth category of the tax on Profits and in the reduction of the rate of Personal property.

Today, senior representatives of the Casa Rosada met in Deputies with leaders of the different blocks aligned with the Government to insist with the privatization of Aerolíneas Argentinas, Correo and the public media of Radio Televisión Argentina (RTA).

While they would accept the changes applied in the Senate to the chapter on the Large Investment Incentive Regime.


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