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Social organizations waiting for the arrival of milk from Human Capital

The wait continues for the arrival of milk from Capital Humano to Corrientes. “Nothing has reached Corrientes until now from Mendoza,” Augusto Frias, provincial representative of the MTE (Exclusive Workers Movement) of Corrientes, told Hoja de Ruta. However, Conin Corrientes Capital reported this Friday that they received the boxes of milk promised from the Nation.

“Some cafeterias and snack bars approached us to speak with the authorities of Conin and they told us that they were waiting for the merchandise arriving from Mendoza. But from Mendoza until now nothing has arrived in Corrientes,” Frias highlighted. The worker also stressed that it is necessary to take into account “the time that passed.” “We are very close to that merchandise expiring,” he said.

Frias confirmed that in dialogue with Conin the authorities committed to evaluating sending a part of what was sent to the Utep canteens.

In parallel, Conin issued a statement and said: “Given the repeated queries, in relation to the receipt of powdered milk, from the Ministry of Human Capital of the Nation, Conin Corrientes Capital communicates that yesterday – Thursday, June 13 – at 8:30 p.m. “We have received 3,000 kilos of Milk in our center.”

“They attended to us and said yes. They told us that as soon as we arrived they were going to see how to get us there, but they were going to evaluate it depending on the quantities,” said Frias.

“Today the soup kitchens are operating mostly with donations and with coordination with the neighborhood itself. Also with some merchandise that has been brought for quite some time by an agreement that was signed with the Human Development of the Province,” he explained.

“Last month we had inspections by the Ministry of Human Capital in this province, in all of our dining rooms and picnic areas, which are registered with Renacom,” he confirmed. The referent in turn highlighted concern for the reality in which the neighborhoods live.

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