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Resignations and changes to part-time mode add problems to care at the Roca hospital

Not only the Cipolletti hospital had to reorganize its operation due to the resignations of doctors in recent days. Numerous casualties were also recorded at the López Lima de Roca at the end of the first semestercomplicating a scenario that was already difficult to sustain in several services.

Sources from the public center itself warned that most of the departures have to do with moves to the private sectorwhere salaries are higher than those guaranteed by the province’s Ministry of Health.

In other cases, continuity was defined within the public subsector, but in Neuquén, where the provincial State also recognizes higher sums than in Río Negro.

According to information provided by hospital workers, At least nine doctors stopped being part of the Roquense hospital staff in recent weeksamong them the head of the Guard, Marina Aravena Ortiz, who served from December to April as interim director of López Lima.

In that case, the new destination was Cipolletti’s private sector, but there were also departures to a clinic in Villa Regina and a couple of Venezuelan doctors who also served in the Guard directed the continuity of their careers towards Neuquén.

Two specialists from the pediatric ICU, two psychiatrists and a clinical doctor complete the picture described by López Lima agents.

RÍO NEGRO Diary He consulted leaders of the Asspur union about the situation, who reported that they are in the process of preparing a report on all the resignations recently registered in the hospitals of the Alto Valle.

“In the Upper West Valley is where resignations are recorded the most and in the Upper East Valley the most significant record is of reduction in hours. They go from full dedication to part time, less than 30 hours. Services suffer a lot, it is a critical panorama for some areas,” described a union source.

This newspaper also consulted the new director of the hospital, Silvana Aguilar, who confirmed that the main difficulty of the current scenario has to do with the transition to reduced hours by several professionals.

“Human resources have always been scarce, added to the licenses, which in many cases are for a long time. And we must also take into account that salaries are more attractive in the private sector and the majority of doctors, although there are some resignations, are moving to the part-time modality.which allows you to work in the hospital and outside,” Aguilar explained.

In Roca, one of the most complex situations is recorded in the Gynecology Service, which has been operating with a very low number of professionals for months.

This reality forced us to reorganize the care system, referring deliveries and some interventions to hospitals in other locations, in addition to reducing care per office to minimum levels.

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