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the tents await you this long weekend

Fly fishing for carp in Lower Limay attracts anglers from all over and there is still the season left. Although in most of the fishing vessels in the region, the season ended, dFrom the Arroyito dam to the junction with the Neuquén River it extends until June 30 and offers extra time that you can take advantage of on the long weekend. All species can be fished with return, with the exception of carp, which is without return and without extraction limit, something that was regulated a few years ago, because si well, according to the Interjurisdictional Authority of the Basins (AIC), it is not considered a pest, its reproduction is advancing by leaps and bounds.

“The capital of Neuquén and its water bodies are the place chosen by fishing lovers who travel from Spain and Germany in search of a catch under this modality,” he reported. Nicolás Barros, the leader of the Carpeando Neuquén group, which brings together fishermen and he added that «when we talk about types of flies there are an infinite number, but the ones that this species likes are few. “The shapes, the colors and even the weight also influence the appropriate equipment.”

Many fishermen They spend hours in cold conditions trying to capture the fish Ciprinus carpio or carp with the fly modality. Many fishing lovers, when the season closes in the other fishing boats in Neuquén, do not put away their equipment and try to do the impossible to reach one of the many bodies of water that the lower Limay has and tempt this fish with some imitation.

Nicolás Barros, who has been studying and fishing this fish for years, organized more than 6 tournaments in the city and maintains that “it is not only about throwing flies, it also combines two other important points, which are silence and hunting. That is why it is important to keep in mind that carp is carp and there is absolutely nothing the same or similar to other species when fishing for them. Switching off anxious angler mode is key to success.”

They are not easy prey

«I want to tell you that fishing for this species will not only leave you speechless with the fight they can put up, but also with the great operational challenge that we must face before fishing for them. We need to understand that we are not facing a predator that chases and eats the other species as many say, if that were the case, fly fishing for them, with any juvenile streamer, would be much easier, and also effective. But that’s not the case,” says the fisherman.

He also heard many times that it eats mud, and assures that this is not the case either, that what the carp does is remove a portion of mud from the bottom of the water and then it strongly expels what is ingested upwards and traps among the dispersed sediments, the different organisms that inhabit the benthic community and that are its main food.

Facts that should be taken into account when fly fishing for carp

Barros maintains that it is a fish that has vision and control of absolutely everything that is around it, for this reason any new object that appears on its patrol radar will be observed and analyzed carefully before extending its protractile mouth and eating it, even more so. when temperatures are low. «That is why it is important not to use flies that have shine, we will avoid flash glass and also colors that are not associated with the natural environment. To dress the flies we will use hooks from numbered #8 to #4.

In the months of May and June the water begins to get cold and the carp takes refuge on the bottom, avoiding any waste of energy, even stopping eating. Something that would directly impact fishing. «At this time with cloudy days we will search mainly in depths between approximately 2 and 4 meters, They will be there, seeing them will not be easy, but we must be attentive to small movements that they make in the water when they move,” he recommends.

It is not recommended to wade, because the carp is alerted to that presence even with the noise of the reel. For that reason, what is most recommended is to wait patiently for the carp in the main areas.

«We must be ready, the meters of line that we intend to remove must be outside the reel. We can make some false casts to adjust our distance to the target. We will do a first presentation with weighted flies and semi-sinking lines, we will let the flies sink and with very subtle movements with the tip of the rod we will give the fly a slow swim. With this we are not trying to fish them, but rather to create an attraction effect to take them out of their comfort zone and be able to have them closer to the shore.

Six steps to keep in mind for fly fishing for carp

1- Suitable Equipment:

Rod and Reel: Use a #6 to 8 fly rod that has enough power to handle large carp and the appropriate fly line. A reel with a good brake system is essential to handle strong carp runs. Fly Line: A floating or slow sinking weight forward line may be ideal, depending on water conditions.

2- Fly Selection

Imitation Food Flies: Use flies that imitate the natural foods of carp, such as nymphs, crabs. Popular flies include Woolly Buggers, for example. Algae and Vegetation Flies: Flies that imitate algae and aquatic vegetation can be effective, as carp often feed on these sources.

3- Location and Observation

Zones: Look for tents where there is vegetation or submerged structures. Observation: Carp often show signs of feeding, such as bubbles or movements on the water surface. Identifying these signs can help you locate the fish.

4- Presentation of the Fly

Smoothness and Precision: Cast the fly gently to avoid scaring away the carp. It is important that the presentation is as natural as possible. Short Casts: Carp can be very sensitive to movement in the water, so try to cast your fly close to but not directly over them.

5- Recovery Techniques:

Slow movement: Retrieve the fly slowly, imitating the natural movement of the food. Carp tend to take the fly subtly, so pay attention to any changes in the line. Stop Sinking: Let the fly sink slowly before beginning the retrieve, especially if you are using a fly that imitates nymphs or crustaceans.

6- Anchoring and Fighting Techniques

Firm Anchor: Once the carp takes the fly, make a firm but not too rough anchor to avoid breaking the leader. Control and Patience: Carp are known for their strong runs. Use the reel brake and maintain a constant tension. Allow the fish to run and tire before attempting to bring it to the ciboria.

More information: Carpeando Neuquén.

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