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Chile is chosen as the most competitive economy in Latin America, according to an international study

According to the annual report of the Institute for Management Development, Chile remains the 44th country in the world and the first in Latin America in the World Competitiveness Index.

(EFE/CHV News) – A recent international study positioned Chile as the most competitive Latin American economy, surpassing countries such as Mexico and Colombia.

According to the annual report of the renowned Institute for Management Development (IMD), the country It remains the 44th country in the world and the first in Latin America in the World Competitiveness Index (WCR).

The key points of the Chilean economy

Despite the above, the report recognized that This decline was offset by “government efficiency”which “improves slightly and rises two positions compared to the previous edition, gaining 5 positions in the business legislation sub-indicator.”

“In the indicators of business efficiency and infrastructure, the country also gains several positions, obtaining a good score in finance and technological infrastructure (31)basic infrastructure (34) and remaining stable in education (49)”, he added.

Likewise, among the main challenges for the Chilean economy, they highlighted the reform of the political system, reduction of legal uncertainty and the increased productivity through the use of new technologies.

Emerging economies

The study also shows that emerging economies are closing gaps, especially in the areas of innovation, digitalization and diversification.

In this sense, they highlighted that countries such as China, India, Brazil, Indonesia and Türkiye have experienced rapid growth and development in recent decades.

The preparation of the ranking is based on the analysis of 164 statistical data and surveys carried out on 6,612 managers from 67 economies carried out between March and May 2024.


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