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Leaders of Cauca and Valle in dispute over anti-terrorist strategy – Pc

To bomb or not? Leaders of Cauca and Valle del Cauca in dispute over anti-terrorist strategy

In a recent debate on security strategy in Colombia, opinions are divided among regional leaders regarding the best way to confront illegal armed groups. The discussion arises in a context of growing violence and terrorist attacks that affect the civilian population in the departments of the Cauca and Valle del Cauca.

He Mayor of Cali, Alejandro Ederwas emphatic in pointing out that the public force has the constitutional obligation to defend citizens. “These illegal groups are committing terrorist acts every day against the civilian population and that is what the government has to do: respond by protecting civil society, acting forcefully against these illegal groups,” he stated. Eder. The mayor also called to resume strategic bombing: «It is not about bombing indiscriminately, but about carrying out prior intelligence studies and following specific legal regulations. “We cannot allow these acts of violence to multiply throughout Colombia.”

On the other hand, the governor of Valle del Cauca, Dilian Francisca Toroexpressed concern about the recruitment of minors and the risks that bombings may imply for human rights. «In these places there are generally minors, and a bombing could cause problems precisely in terms of human rights. However, illegal groups do not respect these principles and use drones for indiscriminate attacks. Human rights must protect all civil society.”Toro stressed, acknowledging that previous bombings have been effective, but insisting on the need to find a balance.

Finally, the Governor of Cauca, Octavio Guzmántired of the war in that department, talks about the need to avoid the naturalization of war and promote actions without weapons. «We cannot continue allowing the recruitment of children and harm to the civilian population. Our department suffers severely from these conflicts. Actions without weapons, focused on citizen culture and social investment, will be more forceful. “We need to recover our people and territories, and remove the legitimacy of these actors in the mountain ranges.”said the Caucano leader, making clear the importance of protecting the population’s right to life and avoiding more civilian deaths by both public forces and terrorist groups.

The conversation about the appropriate strategy to confront violence in Colombia continues, with regional leaders seeking a consensus that balances security with the protection of human rights.

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