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Córdoba in emergency due to the rainy season

Córdoba has become the fourth department in the country most affected by the rainy season, according to Governor Erasmo Zuleta Bechara. The magnitude of the emergency has overwhelmed the institutional capacity of the department, which has forced the authorities to implement urgent measures.

During the Departmental Risk and Disaster Council, led by Zuleta Bechara, the scope of the floods in Córdoba was discussed and several actions were announced, such as the allocation of 1.4 billion pesos for the purchase of food, hygiene and accommodation kits, and another 1,000 million pesos for the hiring of yellow machinery. Likewise, the installation of a Unified Command Post to coordinate the actions of the National Risk and Disaster Management Unit, because the rains have exceeded local capacities.

Governor Erasmo Zuleta asked municipal mayors to prioritize projects to mitigate the emergency and officially report information on victims in each territory.

The Government of Córdoba, together with the CVS, Urrá, Aguas de Córdoba and the mayors, will invest in structural plans to definitively address the recurrent floods, they will also implement measures against coastal erosion, and finally, they will address the droughts that affect the department throughout the year.

These actions reflect the commitment of the authorities to face the multiple climatic adversities that plague Córdoba.

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