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René Higuita has a farm in Magdalena Medio Antioquia

José René Higuita Zapata At 57 years old, he is one of the historic former goalkeepers of the Colombia selection, a legendary goalkeeper who played at club level in: Colombia, Spain, Mexico, Peru, Ecuador and Venezuela. Higuita has a farm in Magdalena Medio Antioqueño, a property where there are no luxuries, but there is plenty of field work to do and enjoy nature, René on YouTube has shown what the property is like and the tasks he usually does on it .

Finca de Higuita, via René Higuita on YouTube:

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Rene Higuita On his farm he can often be seen on social media with his family riding horses, doing field work and also sharing with the people of the area who live in that place surrounded by nature and peace, with humble people who work hard in the countryside, in that area of ​​Magdalena Medio Antioqueño.

Finca de Higuita, via René Higuita on YouTube:

Rene Higuita Today he is still linked to football and is one of the institutional leaders of National Athletic The team of his loves, El Loco is usually there working day by day with the goalkeepers of the Verdolaga team since he puts all his experience at the service of the institution.

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René Higuita’s business in Colombia

Rene Higuita He doesn’t stop working and among several projects he launched his sporting goods store called Higuita Storea brand where he works hand in hand with his children to offer innovative products that represent his El Escorpión brand, has a physical store in Medellin and also sells through its website or social networks.

Higuita Store via La Chiva Alerta on YouTube:

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