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New bill in Cuba eliminates the figure of émigré

For its part, the draft of the new immigration law, also available on the Parliament’s website, contains a novelty that could benefit Cubans residing abroad, as long as they are not inconvenient for the regime, reports the web portal. Cuban Diary

The gradual disappearance of that figure had been announced in November 2023 by the general director of Consular Affairs and Cubans Living Abroad of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MINREX), Ernesto Soberón.

The regime’s interest is that emigrants, in addition to sending remittances to their families, save Cuba’s economy with their investments. The draft of the new immigration law demonstrates this intention.

Immigration categories in Cuba

“The 24-month stay abroad and the designation of migrant for this reason are eliminated (…),” explains the MININT. The new immigration categories established by the draft for Cubans are Resident in the National Territory and Resident Abroad. Within the latter is that of Investors and businesses, which are “those who participate in the Cuban economic model, based on the modalities approved by law.”

The draft of the Immigration Law also presents new features, among which the possibility of inheriting property within Cuba for residents abroad stands out.

“Cubans can keep inherited property in Cuba, as long as they comply with the legal and administrative procedures to register the inheritance,” the text states.

“Property will not automatically be lost for spending more than 24 months abroad, although it is necessary to comply with government regulations to maintain these rights,” the bill adds. This includes staying up to date with applicable administrative and tax requirements.

The draft immigration law establishes the cases in which “a foreigner” can be declared “inadmissible.” Among these are “national security reasons”, which the regime uses as a pretext to violate the right of Cuban dissidents to enter their own country or travel abroad.

Citizen control continues

The regime will continue to strictly control the departure of people from the country, maintaining restrictions for those subject to criminal proceedings, military obligations or with debts to the State, the project warns, warns the Martí Noticias web portal.

Departures may be restricted for reasons of security, national defense, or for non-compliance with immigration and immigration laws.

In addition to denying several Cubans their right to return, it also prevents others from leaving the country through a “regulation” mechanism. The measure, which is politically motivated, has been denounced by international organizations such as Amnesty International for violating the human rights of the island’s citizens.


FOUNTAIN: Editorial/With information from Diario de Cuba/ Martí Noticias

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