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Long holiday: know what the routes are like in the central axis

The Bolivian Highway Administrator (ABC) on the portal identified six points on the central axis; Santa Cruz, La Paz and Cochabamba; through which you have to travel carefully. The other routes are passable, so if you want to take advantage of the long holiday to travel, take this report into account.

In the department of Santa Cruz, The first point to drive with caution is between Yapacaní and San Germán, where maintenance is carried out on the section, therefore there are detours and caution is recommended in vehicular circulation.

In addition, there are two other points at which there is a special vehicle restriction, between Bermejo and El Torno, where maintenance work is carried out, but without detours.

Meanwhile, in Cochabamba there are two points where there are also special vehicle restrictions, but you can travel with caution. The first is located on the borders of the department, Saipina area, and the second in the Peña Colorada that recorded falling stones.

Finally, in La Paz there is a point between Patamanta and Huarina where the loss of a platform was recorded. Road maintenance is carried out on site with machinery.

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