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Justice accepted collective protection against DADSE

The lack of response from the Directorate of Direct Assistance for Special Cases (DADSE), dependent on the Ministry of Health of the Nation, gave rise to questions from politics and judicial presentations.

In that framework, andThe Federal Civil and Commercial Court No. 2 admitted the collective process initiated by civil associations that represent people in need of immediate assistancedue to the severity of the diseases they suffer, or due to the high costs of the medications they need.

“The composition of the group includes all the people who required medical assistance from the DADSE and that they have a file whose processing has been suspended by the decisions of this administration (suspend the procedure to obtain a budget, lack of appointment of a Director or Deputy Director, lack of institutional dependence on any Secretariat, lack of sufficient budget) “said the text that has the signature of Judge Marcelo Bruno Dos Santos.

Then, it was highlighted that “the object of the claim is to establish the obligation to designate authorities of the DADSE, to sanction a procedure that respects both due process and the required urgency” and therefore urges “allocate a sufficient number of personnel and public employees who can respond to the requirements in a period of no more than 20 days, and to guarantee the existence of the necessary budget throughout the year.”

Finally, the magistrate’s decision stated that “the defendant is the National State – Ministry of Health – Directorate of Direct Assistance for Special Situations”. The judicial presentation was presented by civil associations such as the Argentine Alliance of Patients.

Deputies also pressed for answers to the DADSE

Two weeks ago, at the meeting of the Health and Social Welfare commission of the Chamber of Deputies, andUnion por la Patria legislator Juan Marino presented a request for a report to the Minister of Health, Mario Russo, and his Human Capital counterpart, Sandra Pettovello, on the interruption of the delivery of medicines by the DADSE.

At the meeting, to which Pettovello was supposed to go to explain the irregularities in his ministry, Marino noted: “There were people who were dying because they were not receiving the medication since DADSE was suspended, which is the organization that guarantees people with serious illnesses, some terminal, who do not have the financial resources to pay for the medications they need to continue living or with their treatment.

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