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Subject who stole a medal from a Bucaramanga player came out to apologize

Through a video published from the social networks of the Santander comedian José Ordóñez, Sebastián Luna, the fan who stole the medal from the Atlético Bucaramanga player, Carlos Henao, publicly apologized.

In the video, the barrista, whose actions were recorded and quickly went viral, apologized for the robbery he committed during the ‘Leopardo’ team’s celebration after obtaining the first star in Colombian soccer.

“Ask for forgiveness, apologize to all of Colombia, to all the faithful fans of Bucaramanga, to my team, to my club, to my Girón patch, to the Fortaleza bar and, especially, to my family for how badly I acted ”Sebastián noted.

As for the reasons that led him to steal the medal, the fan pointed out that “sometimes you get carried away with the euphoria, with the feeling, but you have to accept your mistakes. To my mom, please forgive me for absolutely everything.”

The comedian José Ordóñez, one of the most representative fans of Atlético Bucaramanga, indicated that Sebastián contacted him and decided to help him.

“As part of what we have proposed is to help him in the entire process of understanding what he has done, to help him understand very well what has happened, his promises to non-repetition. “We have spoken, prayed and given all the tools for this process to move forward,” said José Ordóñez.

In the video, the Santander comedian also reported that the Bucaramanga Mayor’s Office offered Sebastián Luna the opportunity to enter an alcoholism rehabilitation program.

“He has committed to doing acts that lead him to demonstrate his repentance and it is good that we have the opportunity for many Sebastians, who are on the streets of Colombia, to look for a way to stop along the way and start doing things.” things well,” Ordóñez concluded.

This was the theft

In the middle of the great celebration that took place this Sunday, June 16, at the Américo Montanini stadium, where the players and coaching staff of Atlético Bucaramanga were honored after being crowned Colombian soccer champion, a fan starred in an unfortunate scene that went viral and generated massive repudiation.

While Carlos Henao was getting ready to answer a journalist’s questions, videos recorded him being surrounded by fans who entered the field and a shirtless man with a green cap and tattoos alluding to the ‘leopard’ team, in a manner ‘ skillful’, took away the medal awarded by the Mayor of Bucaramanga.

The player realizes that his medal is missing, but at that moment because of the crowd that surrounded him, he cannot identify who took it from him.

In another video, which was broadcast by the news program Oro Noticias of the TRO Channel, this same person was recorded showing with ‘pride’ the medal that he was wearing around his neck, but that minutes before he had stolen from the Bucaro central defender.

“For all those who left and for those of us who ate the B. For all of them I have done this, we dedicate it to them,” he told the news cameras.

Q’hubo learned that after the images were published on social networks, the man repented and sent the mother with the decoration to the Girón Police station.

However, the Police located him in a neighborhood of the municipality and took him to the station for a review, but he was released.

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