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Palabreros in La Guajira warn of an alleged bad procedure in the cadastral census

Through a letter sent to the Minister of the Interior, Luis Fernando Velasco, the Superior Council of Palabreros of La Guajira, points out that the Multipurpose Cadastre Census, despite having been socialized with some communities in several municipalities of the department, some of them were not summoned and have no knowledge of this process. They also express that they see their right to ancestral territory threatened, where today, without the consent of the Council, authorities other than them are in possession.

This is why they suggest that the census should be developed using a special format, taking into account the uses and customs of the Wayú people, in which the permanence condition of the families that inhabit each of the censused territories is clearly defined.

In the letter they express that if their requests are not taken into account, this census process would be violating their rights to autonomy and permanence in the territory, which they point out are contrary to the constitutional order, and even the customs of the Wayúu communities.

Likewise, they warn that This situation has been one of the causes of conflicts between Wayuu families, who today have paralyzed renewable energy projects in the department.


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