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Due to risk of collapse: Municipality of Viña del Mar declares Euromarina II building affected by sinkhole uninhabitable

The Directorate of Municipal Works of Viña del Mar, after analyzing a report from the Housing and Urban Planning Service (Serviu) of the Valparaíso Region, decreed the uninhabitability of the Euromarina II building, in Reñaca, which was affected by a sinkhole caused by the failure of a rainwater collector, which generated risky safety conditions for its residents.

The measure, which was communicated in a Zoom meeting to the building’s inhabitants, is based on the risk of collapse and collapse, According to the report sent by Serviu to the Viñamarino municipality, residents must leave the property starting this Wednesday and in the following days.

The authorities detailed that, as a result of the sinkhole that was generated on Sunday, June 9, due to the intense rains that affected the area, the structural stability of the Euromarina II building could be affected. eventually causing its collapse and collapse, which led the Municipal Works Directorate to decree the uninhabitability of the property located at Las Perlas Street No. 1855 in the garden city.

In the Serviu report it is pointed out that The terrace of the building has presented minor drops, those that are constantly monitored and that, if their increase continues, could affect the structure of the property.

Therefore, “by virtue of this, and also considering that the building currently lacks a functional system for the evacuation of sewage and drinking water, essential services for its habitability, we request that the declaration of uninhabitability be considered for the Euromarina II building from tower one to five”, the organism requires.

Serviu’s letter was accompanied by a technical report called “Measurements of registration points”, which aims to report on measurements that have been carried out in the Euromarina II building, indicating that its purpose is to verify if the building structure presents drops regarding the situation in which it was prior to the frontal system that occurred since last Wednesday, June 12.

Then, by letter dated June 17, the Ministerial Secretariat of Housing and Urban Planning, Valparaíso Region, hierarchical superior in technical matters of the director of Municipal Works, points out that after referring to the SERVIU technical report that accounts for declines in various points of the structure of the Euromarina II building, that “in this context, and in light of the conclusions of said report, it is necessary that you, after a substantiated report from the Municipal Works Directorate, urgently technically evaluate the application of Article 161 bis of the General Urban Planning Law and Constructions”.

The conditions described above constituted a threat of risk and danger, due to eventual mass removal event which, if materialized, due to its special location, could completely affect the structural stability of the Euromarina II building, eventually causing its collapse and collapse.

Taking into account everything described above, the director of Municipal Works of Viña del Mar, “taking into account the previously mentioned technical standards and the reports from the public organizations already mentioned, which account for potential structural damage to the building”, added to the fact that the property is located within the mass removal security perimeter, and the notorious fact that there is an active sinkhole, it proceeded to “declare the uninhabitability of the Euromarina II Building, for not offering adequate safety conditions for the occupants of the homes.”

The determination of said municipal unit was contained in a decree signed by the mayor of Viña del Mar, Macarena Ripamonti, which along with “declaring all the towers of the Euromarina II building completely uninhabitable”, states that “The building must be vacated as soon as possible, “The Municipal Works Directorate must notify its occupants by delivering a physical copy of this mayoral decree.”

“The declaration of uninhabitability will remain in force until the conditions of public use space are reestablished that allow its accessibility and, in particular, until there is lupon receipt of the repair works by the Municipal Works Directorate”, finally indicates the decree.

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