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strong explosion and shots in the town of Robles in Jamundí; new attack on the police

One day after harassment against the Police station in the town of Robles, in Jamundí, in this same town, residents reported hearing a loud explosion. There is talk of new harassment against the Police.

According to the criteria of

Until now, the authorities’ statement is awaited. about the origin of said explosion and whether it was a grenade or car bomb or motorcycle bomb that the dissidents have been using in recent months.

Some of the residents have recorded the bursts of gunfire. They are continuous from 3:30 pm on June 19. The attack lasted until around 5:00 pm this Wednesday.

In the Third Army Division They said: “Troops of the Infantry Battalion Number 8 ‘Battle of Pichincha’ of the Third Brigade support the members of the Police, in order to repel the indiscriminate attack by alleged members of the residual armed group (GAO-r) ‘Jaime Martínez ‘”.

In the mayor’s office of Jamundí reported in a statement: “The Robles substation is being subjected to harassment, through bursts of gunfire and other explosive devices not identified so far.”

In the same statement it was indicated: “Given this serious situation, troops and public forces are already on their way to take control of the situation and guarantee the safety of the population and the integrity of the substation.”

“We are working in coordination with the relevant authorities to restore order and ensure that there is no further damage or human loss,” they noted in the letter.

At 6:24 pm on June 19, the Jamundí mayor’s office reported: “At this time, the Army troops, with the support of the Police, have managed to control the situation at the Robles station. This operation has been carried out with the objective of guaranteeing the safety and well-being of the inhabitants of the area”.

Sources in Jamundí indicated that there were three wounded soldiers. However, the information has not been confirmed by the Third Brigade.

Once again, the community that has nothing to do with this war unleashed by order of ‘Iván Mordisco’, of the ‘Central General Staff’ of the FARC, is the one affected, as it has been in the last two months. On June 18, there was harassment with bursts of gunfire and two explosives. One fell in the main park of Robles and another on a house. The harassment occurred at 4:20 pm on June 18.

On the 12th of the same month, a motorcycle bomb activated by order of the ‘Jaime Martínez’ dissident left six people injured, one of them in poor condition, who is still at the Fundación Valle del Lili clinic in Cali. His name is Rafael González, a motorcycle caretaker and street candy vendor who suffered head trauma, as well as damage to his chest and abdomen, and second-degree burns to his face, neck, and chest. There were also fractures in upper and lower limbs. His prognosis remains guarded.

In turn, there were two injured police officers, Maira Alejandra Sinisterra and Alexánder Meneses, whose patrol car was the target of the attack when it was passing through one of the streets. They had injuries from shrapnel.

The motorcycle bomb was detonated in the heart of the urban area of ​​Jamundí. That same Wednesday there was an attack on the Potrerito substation, in addition to explosives in the Cascarillal village and in the Las Veraneras sector.

On May 20, A motorcycle bomb exploded one block from the hostel where 100 police officers who had arrived to reinforce security in Jamundí were staying. There were three civilians injured.

The mayor of Cali insisted on the need for greater force by the Armed Forces against dissidents. “How long are we going to allow dissidents and criminals to continue recruiting children and using them as shields; that is the first question we must ask ourselves. The recruitment of minors must be stopped at its roots! To defeat terrorism, the next question is to resume the bombings,” said the president.


EL TIEMPO correspondent


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