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affected areas this Thursday and Friday, and what happens with the rains in the Alto Valle

The arrival of the cold does not stop in the northern region of Patagonia. After a start to the week with warm temperatures, a sudden temperature drop surprised the inhabitants of Neuquén and Río Negro last Tuesday. The National Meteorological Service (SMN) issued snow alerts for several areas, while the Interjurisdictional Basin Authority (AIC) reported on the entry of polar air, which will maintain minimum temperatures around -3°C. What happens this Thursday and Friday.

There are no alerts for this Wednesday, but On Thursday and Friday the map will be painted yellow and orange again, indicating that the warnings will include a large part of both provinces. In the Valley, the entry of cold air is expected to continue with minimums of up to -3°C.

The SMN issued orange alerts for snow for this Thursday in much of Neuquén, and yellow alerts for Río Negro. According to the last report, “accumulated snow values ​​between 50 and 70 cm in mountainous areas, and between 20 and 40 cm in plateau areas are expected; both values ​​could be exceeded from time to time”, in the case of the orange alert.

Snow alert in Río Negro: areas affected this Thursday

In the mountain areas of Río Negro, intense snowfalls with significant accumulations are expected. The SMN report specifies the following areas:

Pilcaniyeu Plateau – Ñorquincó Plateau – Nueve de Julio – West of El Cuy – Veinticinco de Mayo: The warnings will begin Thursday morning and extend into the afternoon. During the afternoon there is also a yellow alert for wind.

Bariloche – Pilcaniyeu Mountain Range – Ñorquincó Mountain Range: In this area, where San Carlos de Bariloche is located, the alert will extend from the morning until the afternoon of Thursday.

Wind alert for this Thursday in Río Negro for this Thursday

The SMN alert for wind is for this Thursday afternoon on the Pilcaniyeu plateau, Ñorquincó plateau, Nueve de Julio, west of El Cuy and Veinticinco de Mayo.

“The area will be affected by northeast winds, with speeds between 50 and 65 km/h and gusts that can reach 90 km/h,” describes the SMN.

Neuquén: sectors affected by the orange alert for snow, this Thursday

Much of the mountain area of ​​Neuquén will be under orange alert this Thursday. The areas included are:

Aluminé Mountain Range, Chos Malal Mountain Range, Loncopué Mountain Range, Minas Mountain Range, Picunches Mountain Range and Ñorquín Mountain Range. The snow will fall heavily from early Thursday morning and throughout Friday included. During midday and afternoon on Thursday there is an orange alert.

Catán Lil, Collón Curá, Zapala, lower area of ​​Aluminé, lower area of ​​Huiliches and lower area of ​​Lácar. There will be snow throughout the day and during the afternoon there is an orange alert.

East of Loncopué, east of Picunches, east of Ñorquín, west of Añelo, west of Pehuenches, south of Chos Malal and south of Minas. There will be snow from noon tomorrow to noon Friday, with an orange alert period during tomorrow afternoon.

The SMN registry establishes for an orange alert that «The area will be affected by heavy and persistent snowfall. Accumulated snow values ​​between 50 and 70 cm are expected in the mountain areas, and between 20 and 40 cm in plateau areas; both values ​​could be exceeded from time to time.

Yellow alert for snowfall in Neuquén, this Friday

For Friday, the affected areas will be:

Huiliches Mountain Range – Lácar Mountain Range – South of Aluminé: The alert will affect much of the morning.

Aluminé Mountain Range – Chos Malal Mountain Range – Loncopué Mountain Range – Minas Mountain Range – Picunches Mountain Range – Ñorquín Mountain Range: The warnings will be in effect from morning to afternoon.

The lakes: In this area, the alert will be in effect on Friday morning.

The SMN warns that snowfall with accumulations of between 30 and 70 cm is expected in the mountain areas, and may be exceeded from time to time. On the Santa Cruz and Chubut plateau, accumulations of between 15 and 30 cm are expected, with possible periods of rain in coastal areas.

What will happen with the rain in the Alto Valle: the forecasts for the start of the long weekend

For the Alto Valle, the AIC reported that cold polar air will enter accompanied by rain and snowfall, especially in the Patagonian mountain range. However, by Wednesday “temporary improvements” are planned. In the Valleys, the Plateau and the Atlantic Coast, variable cloudiness will continue with periods of instability and a drop in temperature with frost.

Starting Thursday, The AIC announced the entry of polar air with snowfall in the Cordillera and the Plateau. In the Valleys, an unstable climate will remain with a probability of rain, while on the Coast, there will be southeast Atlantic winds.

Meteorologist Fernando Frasetto indicated that the snowfall will occur very close to the valley area. This cold front will be reflected in the minimum temperatures, which in Neuquén capital will be -3°C during Thursday, Friday and Saturday, while the maximum temperatures will barely touch 10°C. In Roca, minimum temperatures will also be around -3°C.

Precautionary measures and recommendations

The impact of these climatic conditions is felt in the region, affecting both inhabitants and daily activities. The authorities recommend that the population take precautions and stay informed about updates from the SMN and the AIC.

In the presence of these adverse weather conditions, it is advised Avoid unnecessary trips to areas affected by heavy snowfall and stay up to date through official meteorological information channels.

Likewise, it is recommended to insure homes and structures that may be affected by snow accumulation and check heating systems to prevent incidents. If necessary, have flashlights, non-perishable food and warm clothing on hand.

For those who must travel through the affected areas, It is suggested to do so with extreme caution, using tire chains and checking road conditions before embarking on the trip.

Authorities continue to monitor the situation and issue regular updates to ensure the safety of the population and minimize the adverse impacts of weather conditions.

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