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Mobilization and declaration of persona non grata for the arrival of President Milei to Rosario – Diario El Ciudadano y la Región

The Multisectorial of Rosario, made up of more than 40 social, union, student and political organizations, announced for this Thursday, Flag Day, a rally starting at 8 in Plaza Montenegro to repudiate the presence of President Javier Milei in Rosario and demand the freedom of the five people who remain detained after the repression by security and federal forces of the protesters who were expressing themselves against the Bases law in front of the National Congress. In parallel, although without a call, the Rosario Intersindical resolved to declare the head of State persona non grata for the economic policies implemented and the accusation of “terrorists” against those who oppose them.

The Multisectorial called to demonstrate in rejection of the basic law and repudiation of “the adjustment policies and their aftermath of layoffs, tariffs and rise in poverty.” The group’s text adds: “The country is a dignified life, our childhoods, retirees, youth, women and dissidents and the working people who honor our flag every day with their sacrifice and work.” And based on this he emphasizes that “Milei’s presence, her politics and her statements offend our national symbol.”

With the support of ATE Rosario, the local Autonomous CTA and the Amsafé section, the statement closes with a quote from Manuel Belgrano: “The ideas of freedom, equality, security, property took hold of me, and I only saw tyrants in whom “They were opposed to man, wherever he went, not enjoying the rights that God and nature had granted him.”

For its part, the Intersindical agrees with the rejection of the label “terrorists” with which the Government disqualifies citizens and organizations that do not align with official policies, and repudiates the attempt at social discipline through arrests without evidence such as those carried out during the march in front of Congress. In fact, the serious accusations with numerous figures of the Penal Code against the 35 arrested were dismissed for lack of merit, and the five people who remain detained are under minor charges. For them, they demand his immediate release.

The Intersindical also calls on the municipal and provincial authorities in its document to stand up against the president’s repeated disqualifications and the coercive strategies so that they rally behind the libertarian program that, they highlight, deepens the recession, unemployment and poverty. in addition to violating federalism with the withholding of national funds from jurisdictions. Regarding the Bases law, the text insists on qualifying it as a legal package to foreignize the economy, destroy the national industry and reverse historical social and labor rights.

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