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Would the Jury of the Civic Reign of Ibagué have a false title?


According to lawyer Luis Felipe Aranzalez, Fabian Mora Rua would have presented a false certificate of Plastic Arts technician from the Gilberto Álzate Avendaño Foundation to be able to be a jury within the framework of the Colombian Folklore Festival.

A serious complaint shakes the organization of the Municipal Civic Reign, which will be held this weekend. According to lawyer Aranzalez, one of the jurors, Fabián Mora Rúawould have presented a false certificate of studies to participate in the event.

The document in question is a certificate of technician in Plastic Arts from the Gilberto Álzate Avendaño Foundation, a fundamental requirement to be a jury in the contest. However, after an investigation, it was determined that this entity does not offer this type of training.

“We have found that Fabián Mora Rúa He was proposed as a jury, but the specifications required a technical, technological or professional qualification. The Gilberto Álzate Avendaño Foundation has certified us that the title is not true, nor does it correspond to reality,” stated the lawyer.

Aranzalez, indicated that The criminal, fiscal and disciplinary complaints against those responsible will be officially filed on June 21. “We have received an official response from the state foundation of the District of Bogotá, confirming the falsehood of the title. This will be added to the evidence presented to the Attorney General’s Office and the Attorney General’s Office, who must respond for the cost overruns and administrative irregularities committed,” he pointed out.

Finally, the lawyer mentioned that se is carrying out a detailed analysis of the costs of the contract to file a popular action. “We are consolidating the true market prices at the national and local level. Once we have this data, we will present the evidence before a judge of the republic so that the cost overrun can be determined and account will be given for both these cost overruns and those administrative irregularities committed,” Aranzalez concluded.

This complaint adds a new chapter to the controversies surrounding the Colombian Folk Festival, calling into question the transparency of the process in which nearly $8 billion is invested.

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