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Petro reacted to the collapse of the education reform and questioned “private intermediation” | News today

President Gustavo Petro questioned the collapse of the statutory education law in Congress.

Photo: Presidency

Through his legislature was not scheduled on the agenda of the Senate plenary for its last debate.

The president responded to a tweet from Guajiro senator Alfredo Deluque, of the La U Party, in which he pointed out that the initiative collapsed because “the government once again failed to keep its word,” this in relation to the breaking of the agreement to which The Government and opposition benches had arrived in the First Commission of the Senate, questioned by various sectors of Petrism and by the Fecode teachers.

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“Nothing is more necessary than guaranteeing all the Guajiro people their universal right to education. But no, they want to set up garage institutes like they did with dozens of EPS to take money from the state and put it in their pockets,” the head of state responded to the Guajiro senator.

At this point, the president went against the model of private intermediation in education and compared it to that of health, which he has also questioned on several occasions. “Any form of private intermediation of public money, it has been demonstrated, ends in immense corruption. “They wanted to do with public education the same thing they did with health,” he explained.

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“They were going to call the education EPSs Private Tertiary Education Institutes. Safe in the hands of many politicians in the regions. As if there were no universities and a SENA to provide quality technological and higher education in public schools as ordered by our government program and as we are doing now,” Petro added.

As confirmed by the Minister of Education, Aurora Vergara, in the third legislature they will insist on the project; However, from the Casa de Nariño they saw the event as a sensitive defeat that could generate changes in the Government. “From the National Government we have the will to continue discussing the draft statutory law with the hope of consolidating a great national agreement for education,” said Vergara.

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