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What are the new treatments for one of the most common cancers in Argentina?

In advanced stages, targeted therapies and immunotherapy have revolutionized the management of kidney cancer (Illustrative Image Infobae)

Within the framework of World Kidney Cancer Daywhich is commemorated today June 20, the Argentine League to Fight Cancer (LALCEC) highlights the importance of medical consultation and periodic check-ups for the early detection of this disease.

In Argentina, Kidney cancer is positioned as the fifth most common tumorbehind cancers of breast, colon, prostate and lung, with approximately 5,000 new diagnoses annually. According to figures from the Directorate of Health Statistics and Information (DEIS) of the National Ministry of Health, more than 2,100 patients die each year due to this pathology.

The doctor Ignacio Jerez, medical oncologist at the Oncology Service of the Sanatorium Allende in Córdoba, stressed the importance of prevention and early detection. “Although the cases detected in initial stages have a much better prognosis, with surgery and eventually complementation of new therapies, today for the most advanced cases we have therapeutic options unthinkable just 6 or 7 years agomostly at the hands of the immunotherapies and of the targeted therapies,” Jerez noted.

For prevent and reduce the risk of kidney cancerspecialists advise avoiding smoking and excessive alcohol consumption, eating a balanced diet, engaging in regular physical activity and attending regular medical check-ups, even in people under 45 years of age, due to the increase in incidence in young adults.

Symptoms requiring medical consultation include blood in the urine, lower back pain, and unexplained weight loss (iStock)

Kidney cancer originates in the kidney and is known as renal cell carcinoma (RCC). It develops when cells in the kidney grow uncontrollably, making it difficult for the body to function normally. These cells can spread to other parts of the body, such as the bones, a phenomenon known as metastasis, as described by the American Cancer Society.

The main factors that increase the risk of developing kidney cancer include tobacco use, excessive alcohol, high blood pressure, obesity and family history of the disease.

The incidence is particularly high in people over 60 years old, although a worrying increase has been observed in young adults, under 45 years of age. “Another situation that is being seen in other countries and Increasingly in Argentina is the appearance of the disease in young people,” highlighted Dr. Silva.

On World Kidney Cancer Day, LALCEC emphasizes: “medical consultation and periodic checkups are crucial” (Illustrative Image Infobae)

Unlike other types of cancer, there are no methods of specific screening for kidney cancer. “Unlike other diseases for which there are screening methods, such as colon, prostate, cervical or breast cancer, Kidney cancer does not have screening methods to detect early stage disease,” said Jerez..

For this reason, specialists recommend developing healthy habits such as not smoking, moderating alcohol consumption, and engaging in regular physical activity.

The detection This type of cancer is usually performed incidentally during routine checkups for other reasons. “Most of the time, kidney tumors are diagnosed when a patient goes to the doctor for a banal abdominal condition (pain, discomfort, indigestion); In these cases, the professional requests a routine ultrasound to investigate possible causes and there they accidentally find a nodule in the kidney,” explained Jerez.

Symptoms that warrant medical consultation include blood in the urine, lower back pain, unexplained fever, tiredness, fatigue, and unexplained weight loss.

In Argentina, kidney cancer is the fifth most common tumor, with approximately 5,000 new diagnoses annually (Getty)

The choice of kidney cancer treatment depends on several factors, including stage and grade of cancerthe treatment effectivenessthe age of the patient, and others health problemsnotes the American Cancer Society, adding that doctors are also considered the patient opinion about the treatment and its side effects.

Regarding treatment, the surgery It is presented as the main option, especially in non-metastatic cases detected early, with high cure rates.

There are also novel treatments complementary to surgery for higher-risk localized cases. In advanced stages, the Targeted therapies and immunotherapy have revolutionized the management of the disease.

“Are medications that allow us to achieve results in terms of survival and good quality of life of the patient unthinkable a few years ago. But everything will also depend on the stage of the disease, the type of tumor and also the conditions of each patient,” concluded Jerez.

He World Kidney Cancer Day It is celebrated every third Thursday in June and serves as a reminder to promote preventive behaviors. “At LALCEC we take the opportunity to insist on having good habits diet, not smoking, moderating alcohol consumption, doing physical activity and controlling blood pressure, in short, a whole series of behaviors that help prevent a number of potential diseases, including kidney cancer,” Silva emphasized.

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