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Palace of Justice: Colonel Plazas Vega asks for compensation for having been imprisoned



In 2015, Colonel Alfonso Plazas Vega was acquitted of his 30-year sentence for the forced disappearance of 12 people during the takeover and retaking of the Palace of Justice in 1989. For that case, the soldier spent eight years in prison and now asks that He and his family are compensated for that.

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Before the Administrative Court of Cundinamarca, the soldier’s lawyer, Jaime Granados, presented a request for his godson to be compensated. The main argument of lawyer Granados is that there were arbitrariness in the case, especially in the capture of Plazas Vega in 2007.

Likewise, Granados points out in his writing that the Prosecutor’s Office, led at that time by Mario Iguarán, would also have been arbitrary with Colonel Plazas Vega. While the investigation against him progressed, Plazas Vega was imprisoned for eight years and five months.

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For this reason, the defense of the acquitted military officer asked the Administrative Court of Cundinamarca for compensation for all the damage caused to Plazas Vega and his family. “I ask you, honorable judge, to declare the non-contractual responsibility of the defendants, the Attorney General’s Office and the Nation/Judicial Branch, for the illegal, unjust, arbitrary and/or disproportionate detention that Luis Alfonso Plazas Vega endured for 8 years and 5 months,” it reads in the document presented by Granados to the Court.

Additionally, the soldier’s lawyer wrote in his request that the Court must “issue financial sentences in the amounts, for the items and to the people mentioned in the correction of the claim and in the minutes of the initial hearing.” He does not specify an amount for compensation for Plazas Vega and his family.

“His family endured his absence, reduced and almost annulled his assets, allocating them to his subsistence, which by then depended largely on him, arranged the necessary resources for his defense, suffered the sadness, anxiety and stress inexorably derived from the deprivation. of the freedom of a loved one,” the document reads.

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