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The training sessions on workplace harassment continue by the Coexistence Committee – Intranet – Mayor’s Office of Santiago de Cali

The Administrative Department of Institutional Development and Innovation (DADII), through the Workplace Coexistence Committee, the Occupational Health and Safety Management System (SGSST) and the Administrative Department of Internal Disciplinary Control, held an awareness day on the Workplace harassment and its different types.

This activity aimed to provide officials with the essential tools and knowledge to identify, prevent and manage workplace harassment situations. The event was held in accordance with Law 1010 of 2006, which establishes measures to prevent, correct and punish workplace harassment and other harassment within the framework of labor relations.

Andrés Erazo, President of the Workplace Coexistence Committee, pointed out that, “with these trainings we seek to raise awareness among the Administration’s collaborators and make visible the existence of the committee within the organization, indicate the routes of care in cases of alleged workplace or sexual harassment of according to their type of connection.”

The training, conducted for officials of the Special Administrative Unit for the Management of Goods and Services (UAEGBS), addressed a wide variety of topics related to workplace harassment, including; definition and basic concepts, types of workplace harassment, behaviors that allegedly constitute harassment and those that do not constitute harassment, consequences, reporting procedures, prevention and management.

“These spaces are very important, because, if we have a good work environment and spaces for well-being and recognition of the different officials, we will have good performance that is reflected in the execution percentages at the general level of the Mayor’s Office and I am convinced that if A person is emotionally and physically well. will work much better, said Johana Certuche, director of the Goods and Services Unit.

With these sessions, the District Administration reaffirms its commitment to the well-being of all public servants and the construction of safe, respectful and harassment-free work environments.

Liseth González Restrepo
UAEGBS Communications

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