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They tag a whitetip shark for the first time on the island

Environmental authorities marked, for the first time on the island of Saint Andrewa female white tip shark 2.5 meters, a critically endangered species and Danger of extinctionto identify the route of this shark in the Caribbean.

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The Corporation for the Sustainable Development of the San Andrés and Providencia Archipelago (Coraline) made a satellite markingwhich will allow the shark to be located when it is close to the surface again, after sighting the animal during a conservation and monitoring operation of different species that surround the archipelago.

“It is important to protect it (the white tip species) and know where they are, where they go and what their environment is like so that we can then know what measures to take regarding their conservation and management of that species.” species“said Diego Cardeñosa, biologist expert in sharks by Coralina.

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The expert also detailed that two other sharks were detected and marked, which “unfortunately” were caught on their way to the continent.

Cardeñosa explained that we have to know where the sharks go because “through their migrations they will encounter dangers” and it is important to identify them to “see what can be done for their conservation,” since this species is migratory and “crosses geographic barriers constantly.” “.

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Although hunting or fishing whitetip sharks because they are protected, they continue to be exposed to dangers that threaten the species, the biologist added.

The work of the environmental authorities of the San Andrés, Providencia and Santa Catalina archipelago began in 2022, although it is the first time they have monitored a specimen of this species.

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During this week the marking sessions will continue in order to have “the greatest number of species marked and monitored.”

According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List of Threatened Species, more than a third of all sharks in the world are in danger of extinction. In Colombia, at least 16 species are in the threatened category.

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