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Relatives of victims of paramilitarism received symbolic delivery in Pivijay, Magdalena

After 20 years, the relatives of 78 paramilitary victims attended a public hearing in Pivijay, Magdalenain which a symbolic act of delivery of death records of those who suffered the violence that occurred in the region.

The diligence, organized by the Justice and Peace Room of the Barranquilla Court with the support of the Superior Council of the Judiciarytook place on June 7, the day on which the participants took another step towards the objective of obtaining compensation from justice.

During the event, which was broadcast by the authorities, Elba Pertuz reported that on the 17th of 2000 she lost her partner Jairo Gómez Jiménez, father of her son. Regarding the solemn audience, she said that today she feels at peace, “we no longer want more victims, that peace comes to Colombia and to our Pivijay municipality, that more mothers no longer cry for their children“that more wives do not end up like I did when I was pregnant, with dreams that my son would have his father by his side,” said one of the relatives.

Next, she highlighted that as a victim, she is filled with peace and confidence that the judiciary has set the audience in Pivijaythis being the first municipality in which the Hall of Justice and Peace holds a symbolic commemoration event.

Judge Carlos Andrés Pérez, who makes up the Chamber, attended the proceedings and accompanied the 78 relatives, whom he referred to as saying that they did not arrive there “to receive a death certificate which was ordered by the Court, since the bodies of his relatives, who were most likely murdered, do not appear“But to receive a message of hope and to close your heart as a form of symbolic reparation.”

Lucila Esther Luna, another of the relatives who attended, said that she wants to recognize her son, who left three children behind when they took him away. “He never appeared, they killed him, he has been missing for 22 years, that happened in the Montes de Maríathere were the paramilitaries, there were guerrillas.”

At the close of the meeting, the magistrate José de la Pava He stated that everything was positive because the victims felt that justice was with them, “there were tears, there was a lot of sadness but it turned out very well for us.

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