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Directorate of Immigration and Foreigners of Cuba clarifies that Cubans will not lose their citizenship

Photo: Cuba in Miami

Officials from the Directorate of Immigration and Foreigners of the Ministry of the Interior (Minint) of the Cuban regime released some clarifications on several loopholes that the bill presents and that has generated some debate among Antilleans who reside abroad for fear of losing Cuban citizenship.

In the official information space “Buenos Días” Lieutenant Colonel Roilán Hernández, who serves as Head of the Advisory Department of the Minint, appeared this Thursday and clarified that Cubans will not lose their citizenship as stated in the country’s Magna Carta in its article 36. , nor has the state taken any action regarding the issue in question.

Remember that the article referred to reviews the principle of effective citizenship, which establishes that “Cubans do not lose Cuban citizenship for having another.” He also emphasized that at this time for the government the renunciation of Cuban citizenship is not something that they consider necessary nor will they modify the law in that sense.

The first official states that when Cubans residing abroad enter national territory they must act as if they were Cuban citizens regardless of whether they have other citizenship. In fact, to enter they must carry a valid Cuban passport as decreed by the Constitution of the Republic of Cuba that was approved five years ago.

“From this rule, it must be understood that when a Cuban arrives in Cuba, he must identify himself with his national passport, his Cuban passport, not with that of another citizen,” Roilán emphasizes live on national television.

The new bill that is supposedly in the hands of the population to make suggestions and possible modifications establishes the opportunity that people have to renounce Cuban citizenship, however, as long as there is no citizenship law that regulates the process, it will not be available. the right.

Although this citizen right was added to the constitution since 1976, there is no legal norm that allows Cubans to practice this right, even in this project it is included, but it cannot be implemented for the reasons stated.

At the end of next December the National Assembly of People’s Power must “put to a vote” both legal texts with the aim of approving them. The new Immigration Law that the dictatorship intends to approve, if approved, occurs in a critical immigration context for the country, where almost half a million Cubans have left the island in search of better opportunities and less political and social repression.

According to the regime, the project intends to “offer immigration solutions that contribute to the insertion of Cubans into the new economic model.” It also states that “it offers treatment to Cubans when they are in the national territory, similar to that of Cuban residents, except in those aspects that the Law establishes differently,” says the legislative norm.

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