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Huilense Achira Day was celebrated with great success

Post date: 2024-06-20 22:21:04

The event was held in the Plaza de Banderas of the Government of Huila, managing to have entrepreneurs from different areas of the department.

2024-06-20 22:21:04

Given the importance of the Huilense achira cake, the Departmental Assembly of Huila promoted ordinance number 12 of 2022, “By which the day of the Huilense achira is institutionalized, in the department of Huila”, which must take place on December 20. June of each year, with an activity of socioeconomic and cultural interest, articulated with the municipalities of the region, with the purpose of promoting the consumption of this delicious candy to make visible the work of the producers, processors, and marketers of this renowned product.

Thanks to the management of the Government of Huila, the Ministry of Culture and Corposanpedro, the Achira Huilense day was held in the city of Neiva where different producers met and enjoyed a day enlivened by the Huila Symphonic Band, the group Corporación Rebirth of Folklore, the papaya gang of the Police, and the execution of the San Juan Huilense of the current Queen Heirs of Tradition.

The objective of the initiative arises as an activity of social and cultural interest, articulated with the municipalities that promote the recognition of farmers and people who are dedicated to the production and marketing of this product in the region.

The Achira Huilense day had the participation of producers from Fortalecillas, Yaguará, San Agustín, Hobo, Campoalegre, Villavieja, Palermo, among others; who showed different processes when preparing their products. Allowing citizens the opportunity to live the unique experience in the manufacture of achira cake and the production of the largest product in Huila and Colombia.


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