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Villa Clara in the 63rd National Series: first signs of tenth place

Despite the rebound at the end of the campaign, the orange team finished in tenth place, and for the fifth consecutive year they will be out of the Play Off; too much time for the glorious history that Villa Clara baseball treasures.

However, recognition goes to those young people who fought until the end and who in future campaigns will have to assume a more leading role. Unfortunately, some of the most experienced players once again did not contribute what the team management and the fans expected of them.

Although pre-competition, the Sugar Leopards were not among the favorites to qualify, the competition showed that it could be done. Now it is time to carry out the corresponding analyzes and draw up an effective strategy to move forward.

Villa Clara needs the Provincial Baseball Academy to operate as rigorously as possible to monitor the young figures who have to overcome the deficiencies they have. Then organize a good First Category Provincial Series, and later carry out a concentration where the most experienced technicians in the territory conduct in-depth training, combining practice with the game.

In my opinion, it would not be unreasonable to seek the advice of a hitting coach from another territory, who could transmit new preparation methods in this aspect of the game, which was very deficient in the Villa Clara teams several years ago.


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