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Banking seeks economic development of Cuba, affirms Díaz-Canel – Radio Florida de Cuba

Havana, June 21.- The president of Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel, assured that bankization is one of the processes that can help overcome the distortions that exist today in the Cuban economy.

In From the Presidency, an audiovisual broadcast on YouTube, Díaz-Canel considered that the Cuban population has criteria and practices that make the development of the process difficult, although they are increasingly familiar with the subject.

Likewise, it recognized that the progress in the implementation of the process of banking operations is insufficient to achieve the planned objectives.

For the president, it is strategically important to develop banking services and, therefore, he noted, he has designed “an action plan that includes severe control actions to, in the shortest possible time, correct the distortions that exist.”

According to him, if this mechanism does not come to fruition, it is because its control is not adequate.

An orderly, well-controlled banking process that responds to the purposes of its design should lead, first of all, to solving problems of cash availability and would help eradicate tax evasion, he assured.

Taken from Prensa Latina

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