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Loan Case: a griller from Entre Ríos stated that he saw him the same day he disappeared

This is a roadside post on a route in Entre Ríos. The man maintained that the 5-year-old was with three adults. He assured that they arrived in a high-end car and said they were going to Campana, province of Buenos Aires.

Today 10:28

Loan Danilo Peña5 years old, still intensely searched a week ago who was last seen when he left his grandmother’s house to look for oranges near the El Algarrobal rural areain the town of 9 de Julio, in Currents. Since then, the Sofia Alert. Grill workers They maintain that they saw him near Gualeguaychú.

Grill It is one kilometer from the Route 12 road the department of Islas, south of Entre Ríos. They argued that they would have seen him on the same Thursday night, June 13. It was only when the disappearance became national news that they realized it was him. The minor told them his name and would have been traveling with two men and a woman, all of legal age, and they were heading in the direction of Campana, province of Buenos Aires..

According to the complaint he made Horacio Maciasowner of the grill located on Route 12, on Thursday, June 13 at night, between 10 p.m. and midnight, A high-end gray car with tinted windows arrived at the place for dinner. Three adults and a child around five years old got off..

While the adults ate at one of the tables, The baby began to walk around the place. One of the young people he attended asked him nameand the minor answered “Loan”. At first she did not understand him well and asked him, “Juan?” “No, Loan.” It was also heard by the grill man in the dining room..

At that moment They did not perceive anything suspicious because the child’s disappearance had not reached the national media.. When the case became known, the waiter who asked that boy’s name told everything to Macías, who When shown the photo of the minor who is wanted in Corrientes, he stated that he was sure that it was the same one that had been on the grill..

“Matías, the boy who works with me at the grill, started talking to the boy on Thursday night, while the three older people he was traveling with were having a barbecue dinner. They even ordered wine. At that time it didn’t attract any attention.”says Horacio.

I live and am from Gualeguaychú, just like Matías, and on Monday, when we were traveling to work on the grill, he told me everything. ‘I saw him and I was talking to him,’ she told me, and she also told me that the grill man who works here with us also heard the boy say ‘My name is Loan.’”Macías told the local media.

There are two people who say they heard it. Matías asked him again because when they asked him his name he did not understand well and assumed it was Juan. Let’s agree that it is not a common name. It seems more like a nickname than a name. And when the boy repeats the name again, the grill man clearly heard what Loan said to him.”, he said. When they asked the child where he came from, she said “from afar.”

This whole situation It occurred in a section of the dining room where a kiosk is installed. According to Macías, adults They encouraged the baby to choose the candy he wantedthe minor seemed rather shy or withdrawn, “as if he did not fully trust them.”

“We now know all this with Monday’s newspaper, because at that time we did not know anything about what had happened in Corrientes. For us, it was another family that stopped to eat that night”he reflected.

“That Monday I show him a photo of Loan and I say, ‘Are you sure this is the boy who was on the grill?’ And he tells me he’s sure it’s him. He saw the photo and told me ‘It’s him, it’s him.’ “So I told him that if he was so sure we had to talk to the police.”held.

“LThe Paranacito police took action immediately. The Departmental Chief, the Deputy Chief, the commissioner, everyone came to see us. TThey all went and made themselves available to us. We told them everything and they gave a videotaped testimony to Matías, the boy who works with me.. They even summoned Matías again to make a spoken portrait, which I believe was made by someone who came from the Department of Gualeguaychú”said the owner.

Macías said that The police investigated the security cameras in the time range in which they saw the boy who could be Loan in Entre Ríos. They took as a suspect a high-end vehicle with tinted windows circulating in the area, and whose license plate indicated that the car is located in the province of Misiones.

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