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Milei in Spain: a request for him not to be decorated by Ayuso and the rejection of his visit to the Royal House

President Javier Milei arrived in Madrid this Friday to undertake the second stage of his international tour. On this occasion, in what is his ninth departure from the country in six months of administration, he will attend to commitments in Spain, Germany and Czech Republic. Already in Madrid, the president will meet with the president of the Community, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, who will decorate him with the International Medal of the Madrid Community. This caused a stir in Spain and a political party took a stand against the award.

He head of state left Jorge Newbery Airport on Thursday at 7:33 p.m. after having led the event for Flag Day in Rosario and receiving four governors from the Justicialist Party and radicalism.

In Madrid, the president will meet with the president of the Community, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, who will decorate him with the International Medal of the Madrid Communityas the first activity, and in the afternoon, you will be awarded by the Juan de Mariana Institute within the framework of the Freedom Dinner at the Madrid Casino, during Freedom Week.

The Spanish political group More Madrid denounced that the delivery of said decoration would not comply with the “legal requirements” being a “private trip”.

“Faced with a trip that we do not know if it is private or public, we want to know the criteria for which they are going to award a medal to Javier Milei. Above all, to a president who has shown absolute disloyalty and a lack of respect for Spanish democracy,” said the deputy of the Madrid Assembly, Manuela Bergerotin television statements.

In turn, Bergerot said that his political space is willing to go to court so that the President is not decorated by Ayuso. “We will not hesitate to do everything necessary so that Milei is not recognized by the people of Madrid.”, he emphasized.

In the letter sent this Thursday to the Real Casa de Correos, headquarters of the Madrid Government, the Spanish progressive group stated that, according to the Law 2/2024the International Medal of the Community of Madrid “is awarded to representatives of other countries on an official visit to the Region.”

“Javier Milei’s trip to Madrid It does not count as an official visit, but it has been advertised as a private visit with the objective of personally receiving a decoration by a space of extremist ideological propaganda, contrary to social justice. Therefore, the material requirement for granting the recognition provided for in the Madrid Law is not met,” they argued in the text addressed to Ayuso.

Milei in Spain: the Royal House did not accept his visit

As learned by the Noticias Argentinas agency, the president intended to meet with King Felipe VI, but The Royal House rejected the request since foreign policy issues must go through the approval of the Pedro Sánchez government, with whom there is an escalation of conflict.

When Milei’s request arrived, Sánchez had announced the withdrawal of the Spanish embassy in Buenos Airess, after the unfortunate statements of the head of State during a meeting with the Vox party against his wife, Begoña Gómez, whom he accused of “corrupt”.

In the last few hours, the Spanish government stated that the visit of the founder of La Libertad Avanza to ESpain will be of a “private nature”, since there was no communication from Argentina with the Spanish administration about the agenda.

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